Food security and humanitarian implications in West Africa and the Sahel, N°82 - April - May 2017

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Type de document: Rapports
Type de document: English
Date de publication: 9 June 2017 (7 years ago)
Créé: 12 June 2017 (7 years ago)
Téléchargements: 1,784

Food security and humanitarian implications in West Africa and the Sahel, N°82 - April - May 2017

Type de document: Rapports
Langue(s): English
Food security and humanitarian implications in West Africa and the Sahel, N°82 - April - May 2017


  • Food and Agriculture Organization
  • World Food Programme


  •  Food Security


  • Cameroon
  • République Centrafricaine
  • Chad
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
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