Burkina Faso_Apercu_Humanitaire_30_avril_2019

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Type de document: Dashboards & Factsheets
Type de document: English
Date de publication: 15 May 2019 (5 years ago)
Créé: 24 May 2019 (5 years ago)
Téléchargements: 430

Burkina Faso_Apercu_Humanitaire_30_avril_2019

Type de document: Dashboards & Factsheets
Langue(s): English
Apercu Humanitaire


  • United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs


  •  Health and Nutrition
  •  Water Sanitation Hygiene
  •  Protection
  •  Emergency Shelter and NFI
  •  Education
  •  Coordination


  • Burkina Faso

Groupe de population

Pays Groupes
Burkina Faso Mali - Refugees, Burkina Faso - IDPs
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