Regional COVID-19 Situation Report for West & Central Africa 20 May 2020
Type de document: | COVID-19 |
Type de document: | English |
Date de publication: | 20 May 2020 (4 years ago) |
Créé: | 22 May 2020 (4 years ago) |
Téléchargements: | 1,287 |
Regional COVID-19 Situation Report for West & Central Africa 20 May 2020
Type de document: | COVID-19 |
Langue(s): | English |
The West and Central Africa region has seen a 28% percent increase in new confirmed COVID-19 cases in the last week going from 25,335 contaminations on 12 May to a total of 32,401 on 19 May 2020. States continues to adjust their response strategies to socioeconomic realities with a gradual relaxing or complete lifting of movement restrictions introduced to curb the spread of the virus. In a region grappling with armed conflict, pervasive poverty and a food insecurity, it is crucial that the focus on Covid-19 does not cause these pre-existing crises to be neglected.
Water Sanitation Hygiene
Emergency Shelter and NFI
Core Relief Items (CRIs)
Gender Based Violence
Cash Assistance
Transport / Logistics
- Cameroon
- République Centrafricaine
- Chad
- Côte d’Ivoire
- Liberia
- Bénin
- Burkina Faso
- Cap Vert
- Guinée équatoriale
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Ghana
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guinée
- Mali
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Sénégal
- Sierra Leone
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Togo