UNHCR Somalia Monthly Refugee Returnee Report - July 2021

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Type de document: Dashboards & Factsheets
Type de document: English
Date de publication: 10 August 2021 (3 years ago)
Créé: 10 August 2021 (3 years ago)
Téléchargements: 390

UNHCR Somalia Monthly Refugee Returnee Report - July 2021

Type de document: Dashboards & Factsheets
Langue(s): English
A total of 132,926 Somali returnees from Kenya, Yemen and other countries have been recorded and assisted to date. This includes 85,267 Assisted Somali returnees from Kenya (since December 2014); 40,680 Spontaneous Somali returnees (since March 2015); 5,416 returnees from Yemen (since September 2017); 1,563 Assisted Somali returnees from other countries


  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


  • Somalie

Groupe de population

Pays Groupes
Somalie Somalia - IDPs, Somalia - Refugees
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