Trinidad and Tobago: Interagency Participatory Assessment

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Type de document: Rapports
Type de document: English
Date de publication: 21 November 2022 (2 years ago)
Créé: 29 November 2022 (2 years ago)
Téléchargements: 1,547

Trinidad and Tobago: Interagency Participatory Assessment

Type de document: Rapports
Langue(s): English
In May 2022, Response for Venezuelan (R4V)2 and other partners met with asylum seekers, refugees, migrants, and host community members across Trinidad and Tobago (TTO) to identify their concerns and recommendations related to five themes: safety and security, health and psychosocial support (PSS), livelihoods and food security, communication with communities (CwC), and integration


  • Danish Refugee Council
  • International Organization for Migration
  • United Nations Populations Fund
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • World Food Programme
  • Pan American Development Foundation


  •  Health
  •  Protection
  •  Livelihood & Social Stability
  •  Peace Building / Conflict Prevention Sector

Groupe de population

Pays Groupes
Multi Country Office Panama - Persons of Concern
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