Prisca’s Story, Central African Republic


Prisca’s Story, Central African Republic

UNHCR, 11 Jul 2014

Prisca is a vivacious young girl despite deafness and a speech impairment brought on by meningitis. The 12-year-old from Bangui always enjoyed playing with friends, testing various kinds of fruit and receiving affection from loved-ones.

The conflict that led her family to displacement traumatized all her relatives. On her young body, though, it left permanent scars and in her eyes one can see a searching look coupled with fear and anger.

It was on Christmas Day 2013, when the fighting reached Prisca’s neighborhood. There were no soldiers to be seen, but there were explosions and stray bullets. “There was a big fire on the side of the street and everyone was running,” recalls Albertine, Prisca’s 55-year-old aunt. “In the chaos and the panic, Prisca fell right into the flames. When we reached the displacement site at the church of Frères Castors, she was taken to the doctor. But since we lost everything in the conflict, how can she continue treatment?”