Wassim’s Story, Egypt


Wassim’s Story, Egypt

UNHCR, 20 Jun 2014

URL: http://stories.unhcr.org/wassims-story-egypt-p3336
I arrived from Syria to Egypt last year by plane with my family – my wife and four children, and my mother, who unfortunately passed away two months ago.

I decided to leave Aleppo because we were under siege. We hardly had any means of survival left. Food, water, electricity and gas became almost non-existent. We were frightened for our safety as circumstances were getting worse day by day. Going to school became a great risk. The road leading to my children’s school was destroyed and as a result, the school closed. A couple of months later, we decided to leave. Our children’s education is a priority for my wife and me. We are determined to give our children all opportunities we can for their future.

Though Egyptians have been very hospitable, supportive and empathize with our on-going crisis, I still miss my country and relatives a lot. I miss the sense of being home. Nothing can compensate the feeling of being in your own country.

Egypt is a beautiful and culturally rich country and there are so many things to see and visit. Back in Aleppo we used to visit many historical places and we are trying to do the same in Egypt.

I used to trade goods back home, but since my arrival to Egypt I have not been able to find work opportunities. We are surviving on the meager savings we brought with us from Syria. God only knows how long we can do that – how long it will last.