Deadlock or the last hurdle for peacemaking

Deadlock or the last hurdle for peacemaking
Mizzima News, 12 Nov 2014
More than a month has elapsed since the 6th Union Peacemaking Work Committee-Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team or UPWC-NCCT negotiations, yet no follow-up meeting has been called so far, reports the Shan Herald Agency for News.
According to the Myanmar Peace Center or MPC that is currently visiting Chiang Mai for an informal meeting with the NCCT, any follow-up meeting will only happen after November 13 when the ASEAN Summit chaired by Nay Pyi Taw has ended.
Looking through the 4th draft that was produced by the UPWC-NCCT meeting held from September 22 to 26, one may be able to make an informed guess as to whether we may or may not see a Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement or NCA signed soon.
On the positive side, there have been some agreements including the Three National Causes (Non-disintegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of the national sovereignty and Perpetuation of national sovereignty) as proposed by the UPWC; the Spirit of Panglong (if not the promises of Panglong); discussions on military preparations to defend the country; agreement on the setting up of liaison offices in various territories; and a push for a mechanism to resolve violations of the ceasefire peacefully.
However, still on the discussion agenda is the call by the NCCT for full ethnic representation in the Union Armed forces; the ceasefire agreement must be signed by all “acceptable” Ethnic Armed Organizations; discussions about ceasefire monitoring committees; worries about the possible expansion of ethnic armed groups; and the question of including foreign observers as witnesses and monitors when a ceasefire agreement is brought in, amongst other issues.
In addition, there were several points where the two sides agreed earlier but then backed away, including concerns over the Disarmament, Demobilization and Re-integration of ethnic armed groups before a political settlement has been reached.
According to the Myanmar Peace Center or MPC that is currently visiting Chiang Mai for an informal meeting with the NCCT, any follow-up meeting will only happen after November 13 when the ASEAN Summit chaired by Nay Pyi Taw has ended.
Looking through the 4th draft that was produced by the UPWC-NCCT meeting held from September 22 to 26, one may be able to make an informed guess as to whether we may or may not see a Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement or NCA signed soon.
On the positive side, there have been some agreements including the Three National Causes (Non-disintegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of the national sovereignty and Perpetuation of national sovereignty) as proposed by the UPWC; the Spirit of Panglong (if not the promises of Panglong); discussions on military preparations to defend the country; agreement on the setting up of liaison offices in various territories; and a push for a mechanism to resolve violations of the ceasefire peacefully.
However, still on the discussion agenda is the call by the NCCT for full ethnic representation in the Union Armed forces; the ceasefire agreement must be signed by all “acceptable” Ethnic Armed Organizations; discussions about ceasefire monitoring committees; worries about the possible expansion of ethnic armed groups; and the question of including foreign observers as witnesses and monitors when a ceasefire agreement is brought in, amongst other issues.
In addition, there were several points where the two sides agreed earlier but then backed away, including concerns over the Disarmament, Demobilization and Re-integration of ethnic armed groups before a political settlement has been reached.