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Myanmar approves formation of new election commission


Myanmar approves formation of new election commission

Xinhau News, 28 Mar 2016

NAY PYI TAW, March 28 (Xinhua) -- Myanmar's Union Parliament Monday approved the formation of a five-member new Union Election Commission to handle affairs of the next general election five years later.

Proposed by the president-elect U Htin Kyaw, the new union election commission is headed by U Hla Thein, with U Aung Myint, U Soe Ye, U Tun Khin and U Hla Tint as members.

The last union election commission, chaired by U Tin Aye for the 2015 general election, was formed by U Thein Sein's government.

In the presidential election after the general election on Nov. 8, 2015, U Htin Kyaw of the National League for Democracy (NLD) won the presidency, while U Myint Swe of the military was elected as the first vice president and U Henry Van Thio of the NLD, the second vice president.