Drought Related Displacement in Somalia up by 187,000 in March 2017

Drought Related Displacement in Somalia up by 187,000 in March 2017
UNHCR Somalia, 30 Mar 2017
URL: https://goo.gl/bxz04X
Mogadishu-30 March 2017-UNHCR Somalia has announced that over 187,000 people have been displaced in Somalia in March alone owing to the ongoing drought. According to an UNHCR’s Protection & Return Monitoring Network (PRMN) interim report released today, more than 444,000 people have been displaced since monitoring began in November 2016.
Regions recording the highest arrivals include Baidoa, Mogadishu, Sool and Sanaag. In March, Baidoa and Mogadishu received at least 50,000 and 44,000 arrivals respectively. There was a notable upsurge in reports of new displacements in Sool and Sanaag regions occasioned by a combination of both strengthened coverage by partners in the field as well as increases in the numbers of displaced. Sool recorded 37,000 displacements with Sanaag registering 20,000 new arrivals.
Regions recording the highest arrivals include Baidoa, Mogadishu, Sool and Sanaag. In March, Baidoa and Mogadishu received at least 50,000 and 44,000 arrivals respectively. There was a notable upsurge in reports of new displacements in Sool and Sanaag regions occasioned by a combination of both strengthened coverage by partners in the field as well as increases in the numbers of displaced. Sool recorded 37,000 displacements with Sanaag registering 20,000 new arrivals.