Three famous beaches to get electricity in Sept next year


Three famous beaches to get electricity in Sept next year

Eleven Myanmar, 03 Nov 2018

Chaungtha, Ngwesaung and Shwethaungyan beaches in Ayeyarwady Region will get electricity in around September next year.

Till date since the opening, those famous beaches have no full access to electricity. Currently, the installation of power grids and the construction of sub-power stations are under way. The construction works have completed by 60 per cent.

Win Htay, Ayeyawady Region Minister for Electricity, En ergy, Transport and Industry said: “Now Gwa Township get electricity. Efforts are being made to get electricity in the region along the beaches. Magyizin is included in our region. Chaungtha, Ngwesaung and Shwethaungwan beaches are crucial for the tourism industry. The region government and the Union government are making all-out efforts to implement the projects using the budgets.”

“The installation of a 17-mile long 66 KV power line between Pathein and Ngwesaung in Thalatkhwar is going to complete. Most of 66 KV under-construction sub-power stations have also been completed. Plan is under way to install 13-mile-long power line between Ngwesaung and Chaungtha with the use of budget allotted for 2018-2019 fiscal year. Upon completion of 66-KV sub-power station in Chaungtha, the nine-mile-long power grid between Chaungtha and Shwethaungyan will be built with the use of for 2018-2019 FY. Electricity access will bring a lot of benefits to the tourism industry in the region. The reason is becasuse right now, Chaungtha and Ngwesaung have to rely on generators for electricity,” he added.

Liquefied Natural Gas-fired power plant which can generate 1390 megawatts is under way in Meelaungchaing region. Currently, the authorities are dealing with the land disputes there.