NMSP will perform Mon regional development and economic growth


NMSP will perform Mon regional development and economic growth

Mon News Agency, 06 Nov 2018

URL: https://www.bnionline.net/en/news/nmsp-will-perform-mon-regional-development-and-economic-growth
The New Mon State Party will cooperate with Mon Businesspersons promoting Mon regional development and commercial sector improvement, according to Nai Win Hla, NMSP’s domestic affairs in-charge.

“We’ll cooperate with Mon businesspersons. Anyone who wants to work together with us will be welcomed. Furthermore, we’ll carry out businesses and developments that we’ve desired,” Nai Win Hla said.

After signing the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement, the NMSP has discussed with the State Counsellor and the Military’s Commander-in-Chief on regional development and economic improvement, he said.

“We submitted our proposals through the Mon State Government. There are two things we’ve proposed. They are development of the Mon region and improvement of Mon economy. However, no progress was made up to now. The discussion will be going on,” he added.

He did not explain in detail about discussing subjects.

On the commercial sector, Mon Businesspersons’ Organization has established a team for cooperation with the NMSP on 20 October, as said by Nai Tun Lwin, General-Secretary of the organization.

“We need to discuss in detail when business cooperation started. By doing so, the implementation of the business will be stress-free. In addition, we’ve to talk over establishing a healthy commercial business, “ Nai Tun Lwin continued.

The party has not accepted any kind of assistance from the government after signing the NCA and there were also no regional development funding transfer from the government, according to the NMSP leaders.