By-election fair and meets international standards: Human Rights Commission


By-election fair and meets international standards: Human Rights Commission

Eleven Myanmar, 05 Nov 2018

Myanmar Human Right Commission announced on November 4 that they found no unusual activities in polling stations that they observed and that the election met international human rights standards.

The commission said they will write a report about it to respective authorities.

The commission members observed six out of 13 vacant constituencies and announced their findings.

They paid a visit to 25 polling stations in No.2 Myitkyina Constituency in Kachin State, Tamwe Constituency in Yangon Region, No.2 Minbu Constituency in Magway Region, No.1 Ottwin Constituency in Bago Region, No.2 Seikkan Constituency Yangon Region and the constituency for the Mandalay Region’s Shan Ethnic Affairs minister’s post, announced the commission.

The announcement said they observed the election with international standards used by international human rights observer groups and they monitored whether the election is in line with human rights norms.

The ruling party National League for Democracy (NLD) won seven vacant seats and the main opposition party Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) won three vacant seats. Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD), Chin League for Democracy (CLD) and an independent candidate won a seat apiece.