Deal to Send Myanmar Skilled Workers to Japan to be Signed In March


Deal to Send Myanmar Skilled Workers to Japan to be Signed In March

Eleven Myanmar, 08 Feb 2019

The MOC to send skilled workers to Japan will be signed at the end of March between Myanmar and Japan according to Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population. These workers will get equal salary just like Japanese workers and other benefits.

Union Minister for Labour, Immigration and Population Thein Swe and Japanese ambassador to Myanmar Mr. Ichiro Maruyama met in Nay Pyi Taw on February 5.

It is said that MOC will be signed at the end of March between Myanmar and Japan. In order to sign the MOC, Japan will send draft of MOC to Myanmar. Before signing the ministerial level MOC, director-general MOC will be signed. In Japan, Labour Law has already amended and approved. Japan has said that and experts workers from Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, China and Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia will be called to Japan.

These expert workers will not be trained and employed when they get to Japan but respective companies will directly come to Myanmar and choose themselves here.