Myanmar, Thai to Open No.2 Friendship Bridge in April


Myanmar, Thai to Open No.2 Friendship Bridge in April

Eleven Myanmar, 23 Feb 2019

MYAWADDY- Myanmar-Thai (Myawaddy-Mae Soat) No.2 Friendship Bridge will be opened in first week of April, according to the sources.

The new Bridge is aimed at facilitating transport of people and goods and vehicle travel among the six member countries of the Greater Mekong sub-region: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and China.

With the aim to open the No.2 Friendship Bridge crossing Moeri River in Mae Soat- Myawaddy Border Area, authorities from both sides held a discussion at the briefing hall on February 21st and they agreed to open the bridge on April 3rd to 5th.

Thai Engineers had launched the bridge construction project on August 30th of 2015 and the bridge has four kilometers long in Myanmar side and 17 kilometers long in Thai area. The cost is Thai Baht over 4 billion.

Myanmar-Thai No.2 Friendship Bridge project is a national level project. It is drawn by foreign engineers to meet international standard. It is a strategic road connecting Great Mekong region countries such Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. The government has given compensation to the houses, compounds and farmlands which fell under the construction of the Myanmar-Thai No.2 Friendship Bridge project.

Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge 2 will allow people, vehicles and goods to enter Myawady border town and continue travelling to Pha-an, Yangon and Pathein.