NLD Cuts Salaries of MPs, Ministers, Saves Nearly K6b


NLD Cuts Salaries of MPs, Ministers, Saves Nearly K6b

Myanmar Times, 25 Feb 2019

The ruling National League for Democracy has collected nearly K6 billion (US$3.92 million) from the 25 percent compulsory cut in the salaries of all its MPs, U Zaw Myint Maung, senior vice president of the NLD, said at a press conference on Sunday.

The amount, which has reached K5.88 billion since the NLD became the dominant party in parliament in 2016, will be used to pay for its offices and the 2020 election campaign.

All MPs and government ministers have to accept the salary cut.

The president’s salary is now K5 million, while the vice president’s is K4 million. The Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw (Upper House) gets K3.5 million while the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw (Lower House) earns K3.5 million. The speakers of the regional and state hluttaws get K3 million each. The chief ministers receive K3 million and the other state and regional ministers get K2 million.

Myanmar MPs get K1 million while regional and state MPs receive K500, 000 each.

U Zaw Myint Maung said the amount saved will be used to fund NLD offices in 196 townships, which will receive K15 million each per month, while state and regional offices will get K70 million each.

The remaining surplus, estimated at K2 billion, will be used for the election campaign starting next January, he added.