Over 1,400 Acres of Confiscated Lands Returned to 355 Farmers in Ayeyawady Region


Over 1,400 Acres of Confiscated Lands Returned to 355 Farmers in Ayeyawady Region

Over 1,400 Acres of Confiscated Lands Returned to 355 Farmers in Ayeyawady Region, 03 Mar 2019

URL: https://elevenmyanmar.com/news/over-1400-acres-of-confiscated-lands-returned-to-355-farmers-in-ayeyawady-region
Vice-President Henry Van Thio attended a ceremony to mark the Peasants’ Day in Taungsu village in Ywathit village-tract in Einme Township in Ayeyawady Region, on March 2.

The Vice-President said: “The government is working to promote the socio-economic status of the rural people and to help develop the State economy through the improvement of sustainable agricultural production system and increased production of agriculture and livestock products which can compete with those in the international market. In accord with the objective described in the law to protect the rights of farmers and promote their interests in order to implement the interest of rural farmers who account for 70 per cent of the population in the agro-based country, the government is working to help farmers regain their own lands and to give protection to them to guarantee farmland rights.”

Yuzana Company returned 636 acres of confiscated lands to 103 farmers in Pantanaw Township, Infantry Battalion (93), 209 acres to 66 farmers in Myaungmya Township, Methanol factory, 157 acres to 157 farmers in Kyangin Township and Infantry Battalion (36), 84 acres to 29 farmers in Yegyi Township.