Two years of political and social crisis in Nicaragua force more than 100,000 to flee / Más de 100.000 personas forzadas a huir de Nicaragua tras dos años de crisis política y social

Two years of political and social crisis in Nicaragua force more than 100,000 to flee / Más de 100.000 personas forzadas a huir de Nicaragua tras dos años de crisis política y social
UNHCR, 10 Mar 2020
To read the story in Spanish:
Even after the initial surge of violence in April 2018 subsided, Nicaraguan students, human rights defenders, journalists and farmers continue to flee their country at an average rate of 4,000 people every month. With no resolution to the internal crisis in sight, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, expects these numbers to grow.
Even after the initial surge of violence in April 2018 subsided, Nicaraguan students, human rights defenders, journalists and farmers continue to flee their country at an average rate of 4,000 people every month. With no resolution to the internal crisis in sight, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, expects these numbers to grow.