South Sudan, Juba: Back to business in Eastern Equatoria


South Sudan, Juba: Back to business in Eastern Equatoria

UNHCR Juba South Sudan, 11 Feb 2022

Friday 11 February 2022 – On Friday 11 February the Governor of Eastern Equatoria State, Honorable Gen. Louis Lobong Lojore, and UNHCR Representative in South Sudan, Arafat Jamal, officially inaugurated the UNHCR Torit Field Office joined by Ambassador Mohammed Affey, UNHCR Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa.
Torit, strategically located along South Sudan’s borders with Uganda and Kenya, has seen significant numbers of South Sudanese refugees returning home spontaneously. The Torit office is to serve as a hub for UNHCR’s inter-agency support to building peace, development and solutions with the people and government of South Sudan. Its re-establishment is part of the Pockets of Hope strategy, an area-based approach that honors the decisions of those choosing to return, and works to better futures in line with the needs and wishes of the communities themselves.