INTERVIEW-Somalia could slide backwards if world loses interest-U.N.
INTERVIEW-Somalia could slide backwards if world loses interest-U.N.
Reuters - Wed, 11 Jun 2014 18:03 GMT, 11 Jun 2014
* U.N. official calls for stronger focus on Somalia
* Security gains must be backed up with development
* Concerned humanitarian aid has "dropped off a cliff"
By Adrian Croft
BRUSSELS, June 11 (Reuters) - Hard-won security gains in Somalia could be undermined unless the rest of the world steps up support to improve Somalis' lives, the United Nations' special representative for the country said on Wednesday.
In the struggle against al Shabaab militants in Somalia, the Somali army and African Union forces have seized control of 10 or 11 towns from the Islamists in the last few months, Nicholas Kay told Reuters in an interview during a visit to Brussels for talks with European Union officials.
* Security gains must be backed up with development
* Concerned humanitarian aid has "dropped off a cliff"
By Adrian Croft
BRUSSELS, June 11 (Reuters) - Hard-won security gains in Somalia could be undermined unless the rest of the world steps up support to improve Somalis' lives, the United Nations' special representative for the country said on Wednesday.
In the struggle against al Shabaab militants in Somalia, the Somali army and African Union forces have seized control of 10 or 11 towns from the Islamists in the last few months, Nicholas Kay told Reuters in an interview during a visit to Brussels for talks with European Union officials.