New insight into IDP returns in Somalia

New insight into IDP returns in Somalia
UNHCR-SOM, 31 Jul 2014
The UNHCR-led Somalia Return Consortium publishes its first review of support to IDP returns in Somalia. The report titled ‘Towards Durable Solutions – Achievements and challenges in supporting voluntary returns of IDPs in Somalia’ consolidates and analyses data gathered since 2012 when the Consortium initiated activities in support of people in displacement in Somalia.
Since mid-2012, close to 11,000 displaced families have been supported by the UNHCR-led Somalia Return Consortium to voluntary return home to where they once fled from. How are these families coping with their return? Is the support offered sufficient to resume lives and livelihoods in the areas of return? And what is the way forward to better anchor returns and ensure that these become durable solutions to the displacement? These are among the questions posed in the comprehensive study carried out by Samuel Hall in collaboration with UNHCR and the Somalia Return Consortium.
Summary in English and Somali + full report in English available. For more information, media enquiries and request for interview with the Somalia Return Consortium, please contact or
For download of the documents 'Towards Durable Solutions' in Somalia use the links below:
English publications
Somalia version
Since mid-2012, close to 11,000 displaced families have been supported by the UNHCR-led Somalia Return Consortium to voluntary return home to where they once fled from. How are these families coping with their return? Is the support offered sufficient to resume lives and livelihoods in the areas of return? And what is the way forward to better anchor returns and ensure that these become durable solutions to the displacement? These are among the questions posed in the comprehensive study carried out by Samuel Hall in collaboration with UNHCR and the Somalia Return Consortium.
Summary in English and Somali + full report in English available. For more information, media enquiries and request for interview with the Somalia Return Consortium, please contact or
For download of the documents 'Towards Durable Solutions' in Somalia use the links below:
English publications
Somalia version