Formulaire de recherche
Nombre de partenaires: 905
Trier par:
Asociación Profamilia
Profamilia, organización privada sin ánimo de lucro que promueve el respeto y el ejercicio de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos en Colombia. -
Asociația Moașelor Independente
The Association of Independent Midwives (AMI) is a non-profit organization that, for over 11 years, has been working to support women, mothers, children and families in Romania. We work continuously for the consolidation and promotion of the midwifery profession in Romania. AMI provides health services for women, pregnant women, youth, mothers and newborns, medical services and health system navigation for vulnerable people and refugees, as well as actions to protect women's rights to reproductive health and to prevent and combat sexual and gender-based violence . -
Association Camerounaise pour L'Education Environnementale
Local NGO working in extreme north of cameroon