Formulaire de recherche

Nombre de résultats: 9082

  • Tambores contra la violencia de género en Ecuador

    news UNHCR Ecuador, 07 Dec 2021 (2 years ago )
    El ritmo de los tambores comienza, las maracas se unen y la cantante Olaise Cortéz se balancea mientras aborda un tema devastador que con demasiada frecuencia está rodeado de silencio: la violencia de género. “Marido, no me maltrates”, clama, mientras el grupo de mujeres responde: “Vamos a salir ad...
  • Desde su quad, Omar lucha por la accesibilidad

    news UNHCR Ecuador, 03 Dec 2021 (2 years ago )
    Antes de llegar a Ecuador, Omar trabajaba como defensor de los derechos humanos en medio de la violencia y conflicto armado que afectó a su Colombia nativa. Ahora, defiende el derecho a la movilidad de personas con discapacidad en Ecuador, el país vecino al que huyó tras recibir amenazas a su vida. ...
  • UNHCR Regional Director meets Minister of Home Affairs

    news UNHCR Zambia, 02 Dec 2021 (2 years ago )
    The UNHCR Regional Director for Southern Africa, Valentin Tapsoba, on the last day of his visit to Zambia, conferred with the Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Honourable Jack Mwimbu in Lusaka.
  • UNHCR Zambia joins in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence

    news Commemoration of 16-days of activism against GBV, 02 Dec 2021 (2 years ago )
    UNHCR Zambia today joined the rest of world to commemorate the International Day of the Elimination of Violence Against Women and to begin the 2021 campaign of the 16 days of Gender Activism against GBV. UNHCR, partners ( Caritas Czech Republic, Office of the Commissioner for Refugees & Makeni Hea...
  • UNHCR appalled by killings of dozens of displaced people by armed groups in eastern DRC

    news UNHCR, 30 Nov 2021 (2 years ago )
    This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Boris Cheshirkov – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today's press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is appalled by a series of deadly attacks by armed groups on displaced people in eastern...
  • Raoued: Inauguration du bureau 'Shamel' pour l’inclusion des réfugiés

    news Mosaique FM, 30 Nov 2021 (2 years ago )
    La municipalité de Raoued, en partenariat avec l’Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR), l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (IOM) et l’Institut arabe des droits de l’homme (IADH), ouvre un bureau pour la réception et l’orientation des réfugiés, demandeurs d’asile, migrants e...
  • UNHCR Regional Director for Southern Africa Visits Jewel of Africa

    news UNHCR Zambia, 16 Nov 2021 (2 years ago )
    UNHCR Regional Director for Southern Africa, Valentin Tapsoba, applauds the apprenticeship partnership between UNHCR Zambia and Jewel Of Africa. Jewel of Africa trains refugees and Zambians in Lapidary, a profession specializing in sorting, grading, cutting, polishing and designing of uncut gemsto...

    news UNHCR Zambia, 16 Nov 2021 (2 years ago )
    Friday 12 November 2021 UNHCR REGIONAL DIRECTOR FOR SOUTHERN AFRICA TO VISIT ZAMBIA Lusaka, Zambia – UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency’s Regional Director for Southern Africa, Mr. Valentin Tapsoba, arrives in Zambia on Sunday 14 November 2021 for a ten-day official visit. Mr. Tapsoba, who oversees U...
  • UNHCR - Birth registration drive brings Congo’s indigenous in from the shadows

    news UNHCR, 11 Nov 2021 (2 years ago )
    A campaign by the Republic of the Congo and UNHCR provides birth certificates to thousands of Congolese at risk of statelessness, including indigenous people.
  • Amid COVID disruptions, Afghan refugee women are stepping forward into business

    news By Zikrea Saleah in Peshawar, Pakistan, 09 Nov 2021 (2 years ago )
    In Pakistan, enterprising Afghan refugee women are stepping forward to support their families, learn skills and run small businesses.