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Nombre de résultats: 312

  • Will Chad's president be voted in for a fifth term?

    news BBC, 08 Apr 2016 (8 years ago )
    Chad's president, one of Africa's longest-serving leaders, is seeking re-election for a fifth term when voters go to the polls on 10 April. President Idriss Deby Itno has been in power for 26 years. President Deby came to power through a military coup in 1990. He has maintained tight control over...
  • UN: WFP delivers food to thousands of refugees on Nigeria-Chad border

    news PANAPRESS, 24 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    New York, US - The UN World Food Programme (WFP) has begun distributing food to thousands of refugees who were recently displaced by the escalating Nigeria's terror group, Boko Haram violence and urged that it required some US$11 million to continue to meet those needs. WFP spokesperson Ms. Elis...