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Nombre de résultats: 62

  • Uganda launches the “Jobs and Livelihoods Integrated Refugee Plan” (JLIRP) In line with the spirit of the GCR, the government of Uganda has launched in May 2021, the multi partner “Jobs and Livelihoods Integrated Refugee Plan” (JLIRP). The plan envisions self-reliant and resilient refugee and host community households in refugee hosting districts by 2025. The JLIRP will contribute to resilient, sustainable and inclusive development of refugees and host communities through the improvement of social cohesion; increasing economic opportunities by strengthening market systems; increasing household income, food and nutrition security and agricultural output for in-country and export markets; increasing productive coping strategies; increasing access to vocational and technical education; and improving social protection key to socio-economic inclusion of refugees and host communities in refugee hosting districts. The full plan can be downloaded here:
    highlight 24 May 2021 (3 years ago)
  • The Private Sector Can Bring Jobs, Development to Uganda's Refugee Populated Areas—IFC Report: Stronger and more focused private sector interventions in Uganda's refugee-hosting areas could deliver jobs, opportunities, and goods and services to several million underserved people, according to an IFC study of the country's largest refugee-hosting areas published today.
    highlight 08 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
  • ILO - UPSHIFT to elevate youth in Uganda with skills and social entrepreneurship: In Nakivale refugee settlement in south-west Uganda, the air of excitement among local youth blew like a fresh breeze. After two long and difficult years of COVID-19, they were attending the launch of “UPSHIFT”, a social innovation and entrepreneurship programme of the ILO and UNICEF being implemented by local partner “Unleashed”.
    highlight 08 Feb 2022 (2 years ago)
  • IFC - Uganda’s refugee market valued at sh1.7 trillion – IFC report. Refugee hosting areas in the West Nile and Southwest region spend over $485m (sh1.7 trillion) per year to purchase consumer goods, according to a study by the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The West Nile region accounts for $246m (sh885b), representing 51%. This is largely driven by the host community's spending, at $201m (sh723b). On the other hand, the Southwest region contributes $239m (49%) to the total.
    highlight 13 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
  • Uganda is now the ninth largest refugee hosting country in the world
    highlight 21 Jun 2015 (9 years ago)
    Uganda / Burundi - Refugees
  • The Government of Uganda has made a decision to declare prima facie for the Burundian situation.
    highlight 14 Jun 2015 (9 years ago)
    Uganda / Burundi - Refugees
  • A total of 18,807 Burundian refugees have been received in Uganda since the onset of the influx.
    highlight 13 Jan 2016 (8 years ago)
    Uganda / Burundi - Refugees
  • The CERF has approved a funding request coordinated by UNHCR for the Burundi emergency response. towards protection, health, and shelter and non-food items.
    highlight 05 Aug 2015 (9 years ago)
    Uganda / Burundi - Refugees
  • A total of 921 individuals are residing at Kabazana Reception Centre.
    highlight 23 Sep 2015 (8 years ago)
    Uganda / Burundi - Refugees
  • The Head of Offic and the Peace Advisor in the Resident Coordinator’s Office Kampala, visited Nakivale refugee settlement.
    highlight 01 Oct 2015 (8 years ago)
    Uganda / Burundi - Refugees