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141,107 South Sudanese refugees have been assisted in Uganda since the influx began in mid-December 2013, including 89,2451 in Adjumani, 12,678 in Arua, 31,714 in Kiryandongo and 7,470 in Kampalahighlight 05 Feb 2015 (10 years ago)
A total of 325 individuals from 52 families were relocated from Rhino Camp Settlement Ocea reception Centre in Arua and allocated plots in Tika II and V villagehighlight 28 May 2015 (9 years ago)
A total of 173,447 South Sudanese refugees have been received in the country since the onset of the influx.highlight 16 Dec 2015 (9 years ago)
A total 219 of 526 Kenyans departed on 12 May 2015 in the second and last convoy to Kenya making it a total of 1,231 returnees departing for Kenya.highlight 14 May 2015 (9 years ago)
In Adjumani, the period (September 1-14) saw a total of 1420 South Sudanese refugees seeking safety and protection in Uganda.highlight 17 Sep 2015 (9 years ago)
In Arua , The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) and UNHCR, with partner support, coordinate the maintenance of Ocea Reception Centre in Rhino Camp and Kuluba.highlight 04 Jun 2015 (9 years ago)
As end of October Uganda host more than half a million refugee majority of them are from DR Congo [42%], South Sudan [39%], Somali [7%] and Burundi [7%] .highlight 19 Nov 2015 (9 years ago)
A total of 1,282 refugees arrived from South Sudan from Elegu and Kuluba collection points, between 27 Nov -08 Dec 2015.highlight 10 Dec 2015 (9 years ago)
In Adjumani and Arua, between December 11 and 20, a total of 1,265 new arrivals were received mainly through Elegu (885) and Kuluba (287) Collection Points.highlight 25 Dec 2015 (9 years ago)
Growing insecurity has triggered fresh South Sudan displacement leading to the number of new arrivals in Uganda to reach an average of more than 500 per dayhighlight 11 Jan 2016 (9 years ago)