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In Adjumani, the period (September 1-14) saw a total of 1420 South Sudanese refugees seeking safety and protection in Uganda.highlight 17 Sep 2015 (9 years ago)
In Adjumani, 98% of yesterday’s 293 new arrivals were women and children under the age of 18.highlight 15 Jul 2016 (8 years ago)
In Adjumani and Arua, between December 11 and 20, a total of 1,265 new arrivals were received mainly through Elegu (885) and Kuluba (287) Collection Points.highlight 25 Dec 2015 (8 years ago)
ILO - UPSHIFT to elevate youth in Uganda with skills and social entrepreneurship: In Nakivale refugee settlement in south-west Uganda, the air of excitement among local youth blew like a fresh breeze. After two long and difficult years of COVID-19, they were attending the launch of “UPSHIFT”, a social innovation and entrepreneurship programme of the ILO and UNICEF being implemented by local partner “Unleashed”.highlight 08 Feb 2022 (2 years ago)
IFC - Uganda’s refugee market valued at sh1.7 trillion – IFC report. Refugee hosting areas in the West Nile and Southwest region spend over $485m (sh1.7 trillion) per year to purchase consumer goods, according to a study by the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The West Nile region accounts for $246m (sh885b), representing 51%. This is largely driven by the host community's spending, at $201m (sh723b). On the other hand, the Southwest region contributes $239m (49%) to the total. 13 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
Growing insecurity has triggered fresh South Sudan displacement leading to the number of new arrivals in Uganda to reach an average of more than 500 per dayhighlight 11 Jan 2016 (8 years ago)
EU announces €24 million in Uganda amid coronavirus pandemic. EU humanitarian support in Uganda goes hand in hand with longer-term development strategies to find durable solutions and support the self-reliance of refugees and their inclusion in social protection schemes. 15 Jul 2020 (4 years ago)
Collection points, transit centres and reception centres in Uganda are severely over-stretched due to the mass influx.highlight 21 Jul 2016 (8 years ago)
Close to 16,000 South Sudanese refugees have fled to Uganda between 16th July - 20th July alone.highlight 21 Jul 2016 (8 years ago)
By the end of 2017, UNHCR and partners received only 34 per cent of funds required to meet the needs of South Sudanese refugees in Uganda.highlight 02 Jan 2018 (6 years ago)