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Nombre de résultats: 62

  • As at 31 March 2014, a total of 93,824 South Sudanese refugees have arrived in Adjumani, Arua(10,138) & Kiryandongo (17,160) since the influx began on 16/12/13
    highlight 01 Apr 2014 (10 years ago)
    Uganda / South Sudan - Refugees
  • A total of 18.005 refugees have arrived in Kiryandongo since the influx started on 16 December 2013
    highlight 07 Apr 2014 (10 years ago)
    Uganda / South Sudan - Refugees
  • 131,392 South Sudanese refugees have been assisted since mid-December 2013; 82,981 in Adjumani, 12,054 in Arua, 29,802 in Kiryandongo and 6,555 in Kampala
    highlight 10 Dec 2014 (10 years ago)
    Uganda / South Sudan - Refugees
  • A total of 139,276 South Sudanese refugees have been assisted in Uganda since the influx began in mid-December 2013, including 88,066 in Adjumani, 12,503 in Arua, 31,369 in Kiryandongo and 7,338 in Kampala.
    highlight 20 Jan 2015 (10 years ago)
    Uganda / South Sudan - Refugees
  • WFP ration cut of 50% began on 27 Jan 2015 targeting refugees who arrived in Uganda before July 2013 as the Agency struggles to raise an additional US$30 mill.
    highlight 27 Jan 2015 (10 years ago)
    Uganda / South Sudan - Refugees
  • A new refugee settlement called Maaji was re-opened and the first 216 South Sudanese relocated there from Nyumanzi Reception Centre on 4 Feb.
    highlight 04 Feb 2015 (10 years ago)
    Uganda / South Sudan - Refugees
  • The new Maaji settlement site in Adjumani can currently host up to 8,500 as DRC-DDG open up more road access and partners provide key services
    highlight 05 Feb 2015 (10 years ago)
    Uganda / South Sudan - Refugees
  • 141,107 South Sudanese refugees have been assisted in Uganda since the influx began in mid-December 2013, including 89,2451 in Adjumani, 12,678 in Arua, 31,714 in Kiryandongo and 7,470 in Kampala
    highlight 05 Feb 2015 (10 years ago)
    Uganda / South Sudan - Refugees
  • A total 219 of 526 Kenyans departed on 12 May 2015 in the second and last convoy to Kenya making it a total of 1,231 returnees departing for Kenya.
    highlight 14 May 2015 (9 years ago)
    Uganda / South Sudan - Refugees
  • A total of 325 individuals from 52 families were relocated from Rhino Camp Settlement Ocea reception Centre in Arua and allocated plots in Tika II and V village
    highlight 28 May 2015 (9 years ago)
    Uganda / South Sudan - Refugees