Afghanistan Situation

Afghanistan Situation

On 3 October 2023, Pakistan’s national Apex Committee endorsed a plan to repatriate over a million foreigners without valid documents, largely Afghans. Announcing the plan, Pakistan’s Minister of Interior said that an ultimatum has been issued to illegal foreigners residing in Pakistan, requiring them to leave the country by 1 November.

Ukraine Refugee Situation

Ukraine Refugee Situation

The full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has caused massive civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure, forcing people to flee their homes seeking safety, protection and assistance. Since February 2022, millions of refugees from Ukraine have crossed borders into neighbouring countries, and millions more have been forced to flee within the country. They are in need of protection and support. In light of the emergency and the scale of humanitarian needs, an inter-agency regional refugee response is being carried out, in support of the efforts of refugee-hosting countries. The Regional Refugee Response Plan brings together national authorities, UN agencies, NGOs, as well as civil society organisations and focuses on supporting host country governments to ensure the inclusion of refugees, with full access to their rights, in line with international standards. It also prioritizes the provision of critical protection services and humanitarian assistance.

Sudan Situation

Sudan Situation

Since the start of the conflict in Sudan in mid-April, large numbers of civilians have been forced to flee, including people who were already internally displaced and refugees from other countries who had sought safety in Sudan. Hundreds of thousands of people have fled into neighbouring countries or returned home in adverse circumstances – notably to the Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia and South Sudan. Others self-relocated within Sudan.

Syria Regional Refugee Response

Syria Regional Refugee Response

Million of Syrians, many of them displaced for over a decade, have sought refuge in Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt. The protracted nature of the conflict, which has resulted in one of the world's largest refugee crises, has strained public infrastructure and services in host countries.

DRC Situation

DRC Situation

Decades of clashes between armed groups, widespread violations of human rights, and devastating incidents of gender-based violence have displaced more than 6.1 million people within the DRC

Afghanistan Situation

Afghanistan Situation

Ukraine Refugee Situation

Ukraine Refugee Situation

Sudan Situation

Sudan Situation

Syria Regional Refugee Response

Syria Regional Refugee Response

DRC Situation

DRC Situation

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Terms of Reference (TOR)
04 Dec 2024

Poland: Inter-Sector Coordination Group - Terms of Reference

The Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) is the main bridge between the Sectors with their thematic areas (Health; Education; Protection; Economic Inclusion; Shelter, Housing & Accommodation; and Working Groups (WGs) such as Child Protection; Gender-Based-Violence (GBV); Basic Needs; Accountability to Affected Population; Cash Based intervention; and Information Management; as well as networks (Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse/PSEA) and the NGO Forum “Razem”. These Sectors, WGs and Networks form the backbone of the coordination of the refugee response in Poland as part of the Regional Refugee Response for the Ukraine situation.
Reports and Assessments
26 Jul 2024

Mauritanie - Programmation Durable : Note d’Information sur le Pays

La vision du HCR pour une programmation durable en Mauritanie reconnaît que toutes les personnes déplacées de force et apatrides en Mauritanie, quel que soit leur lieu et leur vulnérabilité, ont le potentiel de s'épanouir et de contribuer positivement à leur environnement et aux communautés locales. Ainsi, tous les composants de la programmation du HCR contribuent à la stratégie de développement globale du GdM (Stratégie de Croissance Accélérée et de Prospérité Partagée/SCAPP), aux engagements du GRF, et au Cadre de Coopération pour le Développement Durable des Nations Unies (UNSDCF). Une réponse multisectorielle et multipartenaire à la situation des réfugiés dans la région de Hodh Chargui est coordonnée à travers le Forum de Coordination des Réfugiés (FCR) en étroite collaboration avec le GdM, afin de faciliter la réponse d'urgence et une transition harmonieuse vers une approche ancrée dans le développement favorisant l'inclusion progressive des réfugiés dans les systèmes nationaux. Le FCR, dirigé par le HCR
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