Afghanistan Situation

Afghanistan Situation

On 3 October 2023, Pakistan’s national Apex Committee endorsed a plan to repatriate over a million foreigners without valid documents, largely Afghans. Announcing the plan, Pakistan’s Minister of Interior said that an ultimatum has been issued to illegal foreigners residing in Pakistan, requiring them to leave the country by 1 November.

Ukraine Refugee Situation

Ukraine Refugee Situation

The full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has caused massive civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure, forcing people to flee their homes seeking safety, protection and assistance. Since February 2022, millions of refugees from Ukraine have crossed borders into neighbouring countries, and millions more have been forced to flee within the country. They are in need of protection and support. In light of the emergency and the scale of humanitarian needs, an inter-agency regional refugee response is being carried out, in support of the efforts of refugee-hosting countries. The Regional Refugee Response Plan brings together national authorities, UN agencies, NGOs, as well as civil society organisations and focuses on supporting host country governments to ensure the inclusion of refugees, with full access to their rights, in line with international standards. It also prioritizes the provision of critical protection services and humanitarian assistance.

Sudan Situation

Sudan Situation

Since the start of the conflict in Sudan in mid-April, large numbers of civilians have been forced to flee, including people who were already internally displaced and refugees from other countries who had sought safety in Sudan. Hundreds of thousands of people have fled into neighbouring countries or returned home in adverse circumstances – notably to the Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia and South Sudan. Others self-relocated within Sudan.

Syria Regional Refugee Response

Syria Regional Refugee Response

Million of Syrians, many of them displaced for over a decade, have sought refuge in Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt. The protracted nature of the conflict, which has resulted in one of the world's largest refugee crises, has strained public infrastructure and services in host countries.

DRC Situation

DRC Situation

Decades of clashes between armed groups, widespread violations of human rights, and devastating incidents of gender-based violence have displaced more than 6.1 million people within the DRC

Afghanistan Situation

Afghanistan Situation

Ukraine Refugee Situation

Ukraine Refugee Situation

Sudan Situation

Sudan Situation

Syria Regional Refugee Response

Syria Regional Refugee Response

DRC Situation

DRC Situation

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National Refugee Response Plans
31 Jan 2025

Plan de Réponse et de Résilience pour les Réfugiés Maliens en Mauritanie 2025 (P3R)

Le Plan de Réponse et de Résilience en Mauritanie 2025 (P3R Mauritanie) vise à répondre aux besoins des réfugiés maliens et des communautés d'accueil dans la région du Hodh Chargui. L'insécurité persistante au Mali a entraîné un afflux continu de réfugiés vers la Mauritanie, avec environ 318,000 réfugiés attendus d'ici fin 2025. Cette situation exerce une pression sur les ressources et les services dans la région du Hodh Chargui, l'une des plus affectée du pays. La pression sur les services essentiels s’est accrue, tout comme les préoccupations en matière de protection. Les opportunités d’accès aux moyens de subsistances restent limitées et l’afflux de personnes risque également d’accroître les tensions avec les populations locales et d’avoir un impact sur la cohésion sociale. Le plan adopte une approche intégrée visant à renforcer la résilience communautaire tout en répondant aux besoins humanitaires urgents. Il met l'accent sur l'inclusion des réfugiés dans les systèmes nationaux et le renforcement des capa
31 Jan 2025

UNHCR Ethiopia | Operational Update | December 2024

Everyday, for nearly 75 years, along with donors and partners, UNHCR strived to provide protection and relief to refugees. Like all our operations across the globe, UNHCR Ethiopia's objective is to protect, respond, empower, and solve. We protect. Along with the government’s Refugees and Returnees Service (RRS), UNHCR has successfully assisted over 24,800 refugees in obtaining refugee ID cards with Fayda numbers. For refugees fleeing Sudan, we built sheltersto host 9,000 Sudanese in Ura, Benishangul-Gumuz region. We provided over 32,000 refugee and vulnerable host community women and girls with dignity kits. With partners, we engaged in home-to-home visits and reached 183 individuals in child protection awareness sessions, provided psycho-social support to 740 children, alternative care arrangements for 22 separated children, cash support to 162 Unaccompanied and separated children, children with medical conditions, and other vulnerable children. We respond by making sure that refugees have access to differen
Dashboards & Factsheets
31 Jan 2025

Lebanon: Inter-Agency Referral Trends - Q4 2024

This report provides a comprehensive overview of partner referral reporting and aims to identify referral trends and bottlenecks. These results have been produced following rigorous follow-up with partners and thorough data cleaning, ensuring they accurately reflect quarterly reporting findings. Referral trends integrate insights from RAIS, RIMS, and other referral management systems, which are captured and presented in ActivityInfo.The charts are designed for sector presentations to share progress updates, encourage informed discussions among actors, and enhance the overall response to referrals.
Regional Response Plans
31 Jan 2025

Slovakia : Regional Refugee Response Plan - 2025/2026 Slovakia Chapter - English

This is the Slovak Chapter of the inter-agency 2025/2026 Refugee Response Plan (RRP) for the Ukraine Situation for Slovakia and is an extract of the 2025/2026 Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRP) for the Ukraine Situation (covering Belarus, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia).
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