UGA Factsheet Nyumanzi Gap Analysis – June 2018

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Document Type: Dashboards & Factsheets
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 9 November 2018 (6 years ago)
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UGA Factsheet Nyumanzi Gap Analysis – June 2018

Document Type: Dashboards & Factsheets
Document Language: English
After opening in January 2014, Nyumanzi has become the largest refugee settlement in Adjumani district in terms of population size. Despite their relatively recent arrival, residents are already well-established and a strong community has emerged in which refugee households actively collaborate with each other to share resources. Although many refugees are resilient, gaps in critical sectors, such as education and water, health and santitation, persist and undermine refugees’ ability to cope with their displacement.


  • European Union (EU)


  • Uganda
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