Mapping of the National Social Protection System in Ethiopia, including Social Health Protection

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Document Type: Reports
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 31 December 2021 (3 years ago)
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Mapping of the National Social Protection System in Ethiopia, including Social Health Protection

Document Type: Reports
Document Language: English
The mapping of the national social protection system in Ethiopia, including social health insurance, is carried out as part of a joint technical study by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and partner United Nations (UN) agencies. Such studies have been carried out in a number of West and Central African countries by the ILO and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and are now being scaled up under the Partnership for improving prospects for host communities and forcibly displaced persons (PROSPECTS).1 The PROSPECTS partnership focuses on improving access to jobs, education and social protection for refugees and host communities alike. The mapping of the current social protection system in Ethiopia, including social health protection, is conducted with the objective of identifying opportunities and possible activities to be undertaken as part of the ILO PROSPECTS social protection component, in line with the objectives of the project, output and timeline within the current


  • ILO
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