"United Drama for Peace" project launched in Kakuma

"United Drama for Peace" project launched in Kakuma
UNHCR, 14 Oct 2015
URL: http://data.unhcr.org/SouthSudan/country.php?id=110
United Drama for Peace, a group of refugee youth drawn together by their love for theatre and drama has taken in Kakuma Camp by storm.
The youth who come from various nationalities started the drama club in 2013 to promote peaceful coexistence in the camp through community theatre. They have been holding live performances in the various communities across the camp and spreading peace messages through theater arts, music and dance every weekend.
Earlier in the year, the group was recognized by the Global
UNHCR Youth Initiative Fund for submitting a winning proposal on how to tackle protection concerns through community theatre.
They are now using their unique and laudable initiative to bring the more than 15 communities living in the camp together and promote peace in the camp and with the local Turkana host community.
“Peace starts with me - Join us to promote peace!"
The youth who come from various nationalities started the drama club in 2013 to promote peaceful coexistence in the camp through community theatre. They have been holding live performances in the various communities across the camp and spreading peace messages through theater arts, music and dance every weekend.
Earlier in the year, the group was recognized by the Global
UNHCR Youth Initiative Fund for submitting a winning proposal on how to tackle protection concerns through community theatre.
They are now using their unique and laudable initiative to bring the more than 15 communities living in the camp together and promote peace in the camp and with the local Turkana host community.
“Peace starts with me - Join us to promote peace!"