Refugees in Mexico

Asylum-seekers in Mexico

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

Total Refugees in Mexico as of 31 December 2023 JSON 
Last updated 31 Dec 2023
Source - UNHCR, Government 
Refugees by country of origin JSON  .CSV 
Country of origin Source Data date Population
Honduras UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   46.2% 57,661
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   19.0% 23,745
El Salvador UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   15.2% 18,996
Cuba UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   5.5% 6,858
Haiti UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   5.2% 6,503
Guatemala UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   4.3% 5,386
Others UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   2.3% 2,921
Nicaragua UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   2.2% 2,714

Total Asylum Seekers in Mexico as of 31 December 2023 JSON 
Last updated 31 Dec 2023
Source - UNHCR, Government 
Asylum-seekers by country of origin JSON  .CSV 
Country of origin Source Data date Population
Haiti UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   30.4% 78,181
Honduras UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   24.3% 62,643
Others UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   14.7% 37,821
Cuba UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   13.0% 33,498
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   6.1% 15,610
El Salvador UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   4.5% 11,548
Guatemala UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   3.6% 9,352
Nicaragua UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2023   3.4% 8,743

New Asylum Applications in Mexico, Monthly Evolution JSON 
Global Refugee Forum (GRF)
The Global Compact on Refugees, which was affirmed by the UN General Assembly in 2018, is a blueprint for more equitable and predictable responses to refugee situations. It seeks to enable refugees to thrive, not only survive, and aims to better support the countries that host them. The GCR has 4 specific objectives: (i) ease the pressures on host countries; (ii) enhance refugee self-reliance; (iii) expand access to third-country solutions; and (iv) support conditions in countries of origin for return in safety and dignity. The Global Refugee Forum - the largest event on refugees and with refugees in the world – is a tool to help implement the GCR. Taking place every 4 years, it is an opportunity to take stock of and measure achievements towards the Compact. The second Global Refugee Forum took take place in December 2023 in Geneva. Mexico’s high-level delegation, led by Joel Hernandez, Vice-Minister for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which also included the Coordinator of COMAR Andrés Ramirez and Ministers of the States of Nuevo León, Guanajuato and Tijuana, announced the 8 new pledges made by Mexico at federal and state level. These new pledges are strategic and measurable, building on the commitments made in the first Forum in 2019. The pledges are available on the dedicated dashboard here.
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  • Operational Overview
    Forced displacement across the hemisphere continues, placing Mexico among the top five major countries of new asylum-seekers worldwide. Mexico is also experiencing an increase in internal displacement, generated by a rise in violence perpetrated by criminal and drug-trafficking groups, land disputes and climate change. With presence in 18 locations throughout the country, our teams in Mexico are closer to the people we serve. UNHCR's work in Mexico takes place in a context of mixed movements, in other words, groups of people traveling together, but for different reasons and with different needs. Many of these people are refugees, as they have had to flee their countries due to situations of violence and persecution. UNHCR supports the Government of Mexico to comply with its international obligations in identifying persons in need of international protection. UNHCR also aims to protect refugees' rights to health, education, decent work and integration to their host communities. Thousands of asylum-seekers have opted to stay in Mexico and enjoy the right to work thanks to Mexico’s generous asylum policy and UNHCR’s labour integration programme which, since 2016, has close to 35,000 refugees and supported the integration of another 70,000. Sustainable integration is possible thanks to the work with federal, state, and municipal authorities, the private sector, and civil society.
    México: esperanza de un nuevo hogar. Principales resultados 2023 ACNUR México
    Link to annual report
    Mexico Funding Requirements (2024)
    120.942.622,00 US$
    Total appeal
    Date of Funding Data 31 March 2024 (3 months ago)

    Please contact the following focal points:

    Title Contact
    Information Management Officer Ana Ramirez
    Senior Communications Assistant Angelica Montes Santamaria