Turkey: Syrians Barometer 2020 - A Framework for Achieving Social Cohesion with Syrians in Turkey

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Document Type: Evaluaciones
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 21 March 2022 (2 years ago)
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Turkey: Syrians Barometer 2020 - A Framework for Achieving Social Cohesion with Syrians in Turkey

Document Type: Evaluaciones
Document Language: English
SYRIANS BAROMETER (SB) research is conceived of as a regularly held study to be simultaneously conducted on Syrians under temporary protection in Turkey and the Turkish society. The most comprehensive study in its field, SB is based on survey research conducted on large representative samples, which is further complemented with focus group discussions. The present study is structured as a continuation of three previous studies. SB aims at drawing attention to the social realities in the field, deliberately trying to stay away from the contentious politicized debates, while striving to analyze the mutual social perceptions and, crucially, the changes and developments in these perceptions. In this context, the study also endeavors to reveal and discuss the existing experiences and relationships in the field, future projections and concerns, and prospects for social cohesion.


  •  Protection


  • Türkiye

Population Group

Country Group
Türkiye Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
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