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Italian Refugee Council
The Italian Refugee Council is an independent humanitarian organization formed in 1990 in Italy, at the initiative of the United Nations, with theThe objective of defending the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. The CIR works to encourage access to the protection of people fleeing from war and persecution and to help build decent reception and integration conditions in full respect for human rights. The CIR is a onlus, endowed with legal personality, and has a light structure of legal practitioners, social, cultural mediators, doctors and psychologists. CIR operates at national and European level as well as in North Africa, in a coordinated manner with other civil society organisations. The CIR does not have a specific state funding but operates on the basis of projects approved and financed by the UN, the European Union, the Italian Government, regions, municipalities and private foundations. -
JASMAR Human Security Organization
JASMAR is a human security NGO that was born on November, 2001 and is registered with the Humanitarian Aid Commission. JASMAR establishment was a response to the ERW threats on one hand and encouraged by the global campaign against landmines on the other hand. While JASMAR is currently engaged in humanitarian mine action, its domain of activities goes beyond to include combating ERW, controlling HIV/AIDS and advocating for people with disabilities as well as addressing sustainable livelihoods. -
Japan International Cooperation Agency
Established as an Incorporated Administrative Agency under the Act of the Incorporated Administrative Agency - Japan International Cooperation Agency (Act No. 136, 2002), JICA aims to contribute to the promotion of international cooperation as well as the sound development of Japanese and global economy by supporting the socioeconomic development, recovery or economic stability of developing regions. -
Jesuit Migration Service
El Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes (SJM) promueve y protege la dignidad y los derechos de las personas que migran a Chile acompañando su proceso de inclusión social, a través de un modelo de trabajo multidimensional e incidiendo en la sociedad para que reconozca la riqueza de la diversidad humana. -
Jesuit Refugee Service
JRS programmes are currently found in over 50 countries, serving refugees, other forcibly displaced persons and members of the host communities. The main services provided are in the field of Reconciliation, Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support, Education and Livelihoods. Occasionally, JRS provides emergency relief and basic health care. We never cease to advocate for the rights of refugees, and to articulate the obligation to protect the most vulnerable among us. -
Jesuit Refugee Service Hungary
Today's migration and the refugee crisis pose unprecedented challenges across Europe and in Hungary. The Hungarian Jesuits began preparing a refugee assistance program in July. On this basis, they launch programmes and initiate cooperation to mitigate the crisis situation. Within the framework of the program, we especially see our task to reflect and raise awareness that strengthens social consensus, concrete current help and a mentoring program that helps future real integration.