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Number of partners: 916

  • Terre des Hommes

    Terre des Hommes


    As the leading Swiss organisation for children’s rights, created in 1960, the Terre des hommes foundation is committed to protecting children’s lives and their rights, and improving their well-being. We aim to do so through innovative programmes focused on health, migration and access to justice, specially designed to have both short- and long-term impacts. For more than 60 years, we have been working in difficult situations, in countries at war, regions devastated by natural disasters, and places where poverty and malnutrition force millions of children and their families to migrate elsewhere. We provide direct and indirect support to millions of children, their families and communities in around thirty countries every year. Take at look at our vision, mission and values.
  • Terre sans Frontières Mali

    Terre sans Frontières Mali


    Construction/réhabilitation d'habitations aux populations vulnérables rapatriées, retournées, PDI, communautés hôtes
  • The Association for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases


    The Association for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases has been established for the purpose of performing educational, preventive, protective and therapeutic activities before, during and after outbreaks and disasters. BUHASDER conduct field surveys and activities concerning prevention of diseases (vactination etc). Training activities to raise awareness (health prooffesionals and public)
  • The Empowering Children Foundation (Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę)

    The Empowering Children Foundation (Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę)


    The Empowering Children Foundation (Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
  • The Foundation for Global Human Dignity

    The Foundation for Global Human Dignity

    GHD Foundation

    The foundation works to create a better world in which fundamental rights are respected, for all. Economic and geopolitical interests are exerted at the expense of the rights of the global citizen. Increasingly fundamental rights are being denied, international organisations concerned with the fundamental protection of rights are being undermined, and the very foundations of life are poisoned. The Foundation for Global Human Dignity, GHD, works with people to strengthen the rights based environment, seeking partnerships with individuals and organisations in collaborative work to improve lives and communities. Our core focus is on the rights of marginalised communities and peoples, addressing corrupt practices that ultimately deteriorate fundamental freedoms, and engaging communities in developing sustainable economic, political and social infrastructure.
  • The Halina Niec - Legal Aid Center

    The Halina Niec - Legal Aid Center


    The Halina Nieć Legal Aid Center, (HNLAC) is a non-profit non-governmental organisation established in 2002 in Cracow. HNLAC’s main objective is to protect human rights by providing free legal council to persons at risk of social exclusion and discrimination, including the poor, victims of domestic violence, foreigners, asylum seekers, refugees and the stateless.