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Number of results: 10000

  • Dressed for death: the women Boko Haram sent to blow themselves up

    news The Guardian, 05 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    When Boko Haram fighters kidnapped 17-year-old Nadia and took her to their camp, their commander noticed her straight away. She was squatting with dozens of other abducted women in front of him, listening to his lecture.
  • Le HCR et la Cédéao autour de la table pour lutter contre l'apatridie

    news RFI, 07 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    A Banjul, à partir de ce dimanche 7 mai et jusqu'à mardi, le Haut-Commissariat aux réfugiés (HCR, qui gère aussi les apatrides) et la Cédéao organisent une réunion ministérielle pour traiter le problème de l'apatridie en Afrique de l'Ouest. Le continent est fortement touché par la question de ces pe...
  • ECOWAS experts finalise strategies to eradicate statelessness

    news The point, 08 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    Experts from within West Africa and outside are meeting in The Gambia to review a draft 8-year Plan of Action which set forth concrete measures to end statelessness in the sub-region by the year 2024. The Plan of Action is developed in line with the Abidjan Declaration adopted by the 15 ECOWAS me...
  • Côte d’Ivoire/International/ L’éradication de l’apatridie en Afrique de l’Ouest préoccupe la CEDEAO et le HCR

    news Agence Ivoirienne de Presse, 08 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    Abidjan, 08 mai (AIP) – Le ministre gambien de l’Intérieur, Mai Ahmad Fatty, a invité les Etats membres de la Communauté économique des Etats d’Afrique de l’ouest (CEDEAO) à tout mettre en œuvre pour éradiquer l’apatridie dans l’espace communautaire. M. Fatty a lancé cet appel, dimanche à Banjul, e...
  • UNHCR chief urges further efforts to rescue people along dangerous Mediterranean route.

    news UNHCR, 07 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    News comment by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, on Mediterranean crossings over the weekend Since Friday, we‘ve seen over 6,000 people crossing the Mediterranean to reach Italy – bringing the total this year to over 43,000. These massive arrivals and the fact th...
  • Millions of Nigerians face hunger in wasteland recaptured from fighters

    news Reuters, 04 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    "This camp is already broken," said a field worker responsible for food distribution to children at the camp in Banki, asking not to be identified while he discussed the conditions endured by residents of the destroyed town. Three hundred women and children were queuing for water in the scorching...
  • Nigeria: Welcoming release of 82 Chibok girls, UN urges support for their rehabilitation

    news UN News Centre, 08 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    8 May 2017 – Welcoming Saturday’s release of 82 of the schoolgirls abducted from the Nigerian town of Chibok by the Boko Haram insurgent group three years ago, the United Nations has called for continued global support for the country’s efforts to release, rehabilitate and reintegrate all Boko Haram...
  • West Africa to fight statelessness with world's first action plan

    news Reuters, 08 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    By Kieran Guilbert DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - West Africa has become the first region in the world to adopt an action plan to end statelessness, aiming to help more than one million people without a nationality gain identity papers with new laws and better data, human rights experts said ...
  • West Africa to fight statelessness with world’s first action plan

    news Business Day, 08 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    West Africa has become the first region in the world to adopt an action plan to end statelessness, aiming to help more than one million people without a nationality gain identity papers with new laws and better data, Reuters reports human rights experts as saying on Monday. Stateless people, sometim...
  • L’éradication de l’apatridie en Afrique de l’ouest préoccupe la CEDEAO et le HCR

    news ECOWAS/CEDEAO, 08 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    Banjul, le 7 mai 2017. Le ministre gambien de l’Intérieur, Mai Ahmad Fatty, a invité les Etats membres de la Communauté économique des Etats d’Afrique de l’ouest (Cedeao) à tout mettre en œuvre pour éradiquer l’apatridie dans l’espace communautaire. M. Fatty a lancé cet appel, ce dimanche 7 mai 201...