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Evaluacion de violencia de genero - Mexico - Mayo 2022
Create date: 18 July 2023 (1 year ago) -
Evaluación del Impacto Socioeconómico de la COVID-19 en las Personas Desplazadas por la Fuerza
documentResumen Temático Núm. 5: el caso de MéxicoPublish date: 4 May 2022 (2 years ago)
Create date: 4 May 2022 (2 years ago) -
documentMonterrey, Mexico 2019-2022Publish date: 6 May 2022 (2 years ago)
Create date: 6 May 2022 (2 years ago) -
Fact Sheet Desplazamiento Interno ACNUR México
Create date: 2 July 2024 (7 months ago) -
FactSheet: R4V Integration Sector
documentA 1-page description of priority needs and response areas of the R4V Regional Integration Sector in the RMRP 2021.Publish date: 21 May 2021 (3 years ago)
Create date: 21 May 2021 (3 years ago) -
FactSheet: R4V Nutrition Sector
documentA 1-page description of priority needs and response areas of the R4V Regional Nutrition Sector in the RMRP 2021.Publish date: 1 June 2021 (3 years ago)
Create date: 1 June 2021 (3 years ago) -
FactSheet: R4V Protection Sector
documentA 1-page description of priority needs and response areas of the R4V Regional Protection Sector and the Sub-Sectors on GBV, Child Protection and Human Trafficking & Human Smuggling in the RMRP 2021.Publish date: 20 May 2021 (3 years ago)
Create date: 20 May 2021 (3 years ago) -
Forced displacement in and from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras | October 2024
Create date: 24 October 2024 (3 months ago) -
GTRM - Informe de Situación Ecuador - Febrero 2019 [ES]
documentGTRM Informe de Situación Febrero 2019Publish date: 18 June 2019 (5 years ago)
Create date: 19 June 2019 (5 years ago) -
Girls on the move in Central America and Venezuela - Save the Children
documentKey findings of two studies carried out by Save the Chldren in Latin America and the Caribbean during 2019, one for the Central American migration context and the other for the Venezuelan migration co...Publish date: 5 November 2020 (4 years ago)
Create date: 5 November 2020 (4 years ago)