Sudan - Strategy paper to integrate trainees into labour market in Eastern Sudan 2021-2023

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Type de document: documents de stratégie
Type de document: English,Arabic
Date de publication: 22 March 2021 (3 years ago)
Créé: 25 March 2021 (3 years ago)
Téléchargements: 1,872

Sudan - Strategy paper to integrate trainees into labour market in Eastern Sudan 2021-2023

Type de document: documents de stratégie
Langue(s): English,Arabic
Context: The successful ‘transition’ from training periods into the labour market is among the pivotal benchmark that determines the success of a vocational education system. It is this last, albeit key obstacle that needs to be overcome and decides whether the years of learning practising, preparation and efforts will yield returns in the form of a satisfying career, reliable and sufficient income, successful entrepreneurship and self-fulfilment, that in turn are often among the prerequisites for a content home life. The value of transition can’t be underrated, neither should the challenges be overlooked. It requires extraordinary efforts from all involved to support trainees in smoothing the transition into labour market. The strategy at hand has been developed through a considerable effort by the six major actors in the field of vocational training in the States of Gedaref and Kassala: The Ministries of Finance and Economic Planning, the Vocational Training Centres and the Labour Departments. It aims to co


  • Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit


  •  Livelihood & Social Stability


  • Soudan
  • Kassala
  • Gedaref
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