CCCM Cluster Somalia - CFM Monthly Report - Sep 2021
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Dashboards & Factsheets
, Data & Statistics
, Cartes
Langue(s): |
English |
In the month of September, there were a total of 3,749 issues filed which was a 5% increase compared to August’s total of 3,567. September featured the highest number of issues filed via CCCM CFM systems since May’s total of 4,242. Most issues filed in September were related to Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) (41%), Shelter/NFI (30%) and WASH (14%). Health and Education filed issues in September were the highest recorded volume for 2021.
Camp Coordination Camp Management (CCCM)
Groupe de population
Pays |
Groupes |
Somalia - IDPs |
(PDF, 116.57 KB)