

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

People in Need JSON 
Last updated 25 Jan 2023
Source - Humanitarian Needs Overview 
IDPs in Yemen JSON 
Last updated 15 Feb 2024
Source - TFPM 
IDP Returnees in Yemen JSON 
Last updated 21 Aug 2019
Source - TFPM 
Refugees and Asylum seekers in Yemen JSON 
Last updated 30 Oct 2023
Source - UNHCR, Government 
Refugees and Asylum seekers by Country of Origin JSON  .CSV 
Country of origin Source Data date Population
Somalia UNHCR, Government 30 Oct 2023   63.9% 45,769
Ethiopia UNHCR, Government 30 Oct 2023   26.2% 18,808
Syrian Arab Rep. UNHCR, Government 30 Oct 2023   4.0% 2,893
Eritrea UNHCR, Government 30 Oct 2023   2.4% 1,724
Iraq UNHCR, Government 30 Oct 2023   1.5% 1,049
State of Palestine UNHCR, Government 30 Oct 2023   1.0% 694
Sudan UNHCR, Government 30 Oct 2023   0.9% 638
Others UNHCR, Government 30 Oct 2023   0.1% 83

Refugees and Asylum seekers by Age and Gender JSON 
Source - UNHCR, Government
Refugees and Asylum seekers by Governorate JSON  .CSV 
Location name Source Data date Population
Abyan UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.1% 63
Aden UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   29.0% 20,792
Al Bayda UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.1% 87
Al Dhale'e UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.4% 322
Al Hudaydah UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.4% 282
Al Jawf UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.0% 25
Al Maharah UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   3.3% 2,332
Al Mahwit UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.0% 1
Amanat Al Asimah UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   39.2% 28,080
Amran UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.0% 24
Dhamar UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.1% 92
Hadramaut UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   8.2% 5,858
Hajjah UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.0% 2
Ibb UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.1% 69
Lahj UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   14.5% 10,407
Marib UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.3% 247
Sa'ada UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.0% 26
Shabwah UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.5% 357
Taizz UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   2.6% 1,862
Sana'a UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   1.0% 699
Socotra UNHCR 30 Oct 2023   0.0% 1

Assisted Spontaneous Returns per Month JSON 

Loading Latest Documents

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Funding Information (2024)
Total appeal
Date of Funding Data 30 June 2024 (11 days ago)

IDPs by Governorate JSON 
Location name Source Data date Population
Abyan TFPM 15 Feb 2024   1.0% 43,273
Aden TFPM 15 Feb 2024   2.2% 100,011
Al Bayda TFPM 15 Feb 2024   1.6% 71,573
Al Dhale'e TFPM 15 Feb 2024   1.8% 79,387
Al Hudaydah TFPM 15 Feb 2024   9.1% 409,430
Al Jawf TFPM 15 Feb 2024   2.9% 129,161
Al Maharah TFPM 15 Feb 2024   0.4% 19,719
Al Mahwit TFPM 15 Feb 2024   0.9% 40,464
Amanat Al Asimah TFPM 15 Feb 2024   4.5% 202,133
Amran TFPM 15 Feb 2024   5.8% 261,199
Dhamar TFPM 15 Feb 2024   4.4% 197,894
Hadramaut TFPM 15 Feb 2024   1.4% 65,001
Hajjah TFPM 15 Feb 2024   6.3% 286,109
Ibb TFPM 15 Feb 2024   5.1% 230,750
Lahj TFPM 15 Feb 2024   1.2% 54,919
Marib TFPM 15 Feb 2024   33.9% 1,532,624
Raymah TFPM 15 Feb 2024   1.3% 58,269
Sa'ada TFPM 15 Feb 2024   1.6% 72,432
Shabwah TFPM 15 Feb 2024   1.1% 51,812
Taizz TFPM 15 Feb 2024   10.9% 490,335
Sana'a TFPM 15 Feb 2024   2.5% 110,717
Socotra TFPM 15 Feb 2024   0.2% 9,129

The age and gender breakdown of IDPs are as follows: 21% are men, 23% are women, 28% are boys and 27% are girls. Age and gender breakdown of IDPs per area is based on the Central Statistical Office of Yemen (CSO) projected numbers for 2018.
IDP Returnees by Governorate JSON 
Location name Source Data date Population
Abyan TFPM 21 Aug 2019   0.9% 11,496
Aden TFPM 21 Aug 2019   23.4% 299,412
Al Bayda TFPM 21 Aug 2019   1.0% 13,008
Al Dhale'e TFPM 21 Aug 2019   2.6% 33,792
Al Hudaydah TFPM 21 Aug 2019   1.9% 24,660
Al Jawf TFPM 21 Aug 2019   4.5% 57,066
Al Maharah TFPM 21 Aug 2019   2.1% 26,556
Al Mahwit TFPM 21 Aug 2019   0.3% 3,240
Amanat Al Asimah TFPM 21 Aug 2019   13.8% 176,448
Amran TFPM 21 Aug 2019   3.1% 40,068
Dhamar TFPM 21 Aug 2019   0.8% 9,660
Hadramaut TFPM 21 Aug 2019   2.8% 35,934
Hajjah TFPM 21 Aug 2019   4.8% 61,116
Ibb TFPM 21 Aug 2019   0.5% 6,426
Lahj TFPM 21 Aug 2019   6.2% 79,470
Marib TFPM 21 Aug 2019   2.3% 29,292
Sa'ada TFPM 21 Aug 2019   10.6% 135,636
Shabwah TFPM 21 Aug 2019   6.2% 80,016
Taizz TFPM 21 Aug 2019   11.6% 148,326
Sana'a TFPM 21 Aug 2019   0.4% 5,136
Socotra TFPM 21 Aug 2019   0.3% 3,804

Estimated IDP Population since May 2015 JSON 
Key Contact Information

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External Relations
Information Management