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Poland: Socio-Economic Insights Survey in Poland - Results Analysis (SEIS 2024)
documentThe SEIS (Socio-Economic Insights Survey) is a collaborative process that identifies the most pressing needs of refugees from Ukraine across various sectors. SEIS is a regional tool that is carried ou...Publish date: 10 January 2025 (1 month ago)
Create date: 22 October 2024 (3 months ago) -
Poland: Assistance to refugees from Ukraine with disabilities (Допомога біженцям з інвалідністю з України)
Create date: 9 May 2023 (1 year ago) -
Poland: Socio-Economic Insights Survey in Poland - Results Analysis (SEIS 2024)
documentSEIS (Badanie Społeczno-Ekonomiczne) to proces współpracy mający na celu identyfikację najbardziej pilnych potrzeb uchodźców z Ukrainy w różnych sektorach. SEIS jest narzędziem regionalnym, realizowan...Publish date: 10 January 2025 (1 month ago)
Create date: 10 January 2025 (1 month ago) -
Poland: Multi-Sector Needs Assessment — Results Overview (MSNA 2023)
documentThe Multi-Sector Needs Assesment (MSNA) for Poland is part of a regional interagency multi-sectoral assessment, seeking to capture and understand: the needs of refugees, the level of access to basic s...Publish date: 2 November 2023 (1 year ago)
Create date: 2 November 2023 (1 year ago)