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Number of results: 210

  • UNHCR chief exhorts France to promote solidarity towards refugees in Europe

    news UNHCR, 10 Oct 2017 (7 years ago )
    PARIS – UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said on Monday that France has a leading role to play in resettling refugees and managing migration flows in Europe. During a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, Grandi added that the UNHCR supports France in its efforts to “lead E...
  • UNHCR conducts training on Refugee Law for the Libyan Coastguard and Navy

    news UNHCR, 01 Feb 2017 (8 years ago )
    Tunis, Tunisia – 1 February 2017. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is conducting a two-week course on human rights and refugee law for the Libyan Coastguard and Navy. The training is being held on an Italian ship crossing the Mediterranean Sea. “This training represents an important opportunity t...
  • A year on from Alan Kurdi’s death, Mediterranean drowning rates soaring

    news UNHCR, 02 Sep 2016 (8 years ago )
    A year ago today, the world was moved by the photograph of Syrian toddler Alan Kurdi who drowned when his family, like hundreds of thousands of other refugees, was desperately trying to reach safety in Europe. UNHCR estimates that, since Alan’s death 4,176 people have died or gone missing on the Med...
  • Transfer of residents out of “the Jungle” site in Calais, France

    news UNHCR, 25 Oct 2016 (8 years ago )
    The informal camp for refugees and migrants in Calais known as “the Jungle” is not an environment fit for human habitation. UNHCR has long recommended its closure and its replacement by proper accommodation for asylum seekers and migrants. Yesterday, the French authorities transferred some 1,900 peo...
  • UNHCR: France decision to close Calais ‘jungle’ camp welcome; Proper care in next steps crucial

    news UNHCR, 14 Oct 2016 (8 years ago )
    Earlier this month France’s President Francois Hollande announced that the informal camp for refugees and migrants in Calais, the so-called “Jungle,” will be closed in the coming days, with the camp population to be moved to centres where better help can be provided. This is welcome. The Calais ...
  • Mediterranean death toll soars to all-time high

    news UNHCR, 25 Oct 2016 (8 years ago )
    UNHCR is alarmed at the high death toll being seen this year among refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean. Already, and with two months of 2016 still to go, at least 3,740 lives are reported lost – just short of the 3,771 deaths reported for the whole of 2015. This is the worst we have see...
  • Protecting refugees in Europe and beyond: Can the EU rise to the challenge?

    news UNHCR, 05 Dec 2016 (8 years ago )
    Speech by Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, at the European Policy Centre, Brussels Mr Van Rompuy, Ladies and gentlemen, A year has passed since the peak of what has been called – though I am not sure the terminology is correct – the “European refugee crisis”. A...
  • Shelter struggle in Greece as winter arrives, EU urged to speed relocations

    news UNHCR, 09 Dec 2016 (8 years ago )
    With the onset of winter, improving living conditions for asylum-seekers and migrants continues to be the number one priority for humanitarian actors in Greece. It is also still a major challenge. People living in tents out in the open have been moved to alternative accommodation and UNHCR’s accommo...
  • Recommendations to Malta and Estonia for the Presidency of the Council of the European Union

    news UNHCR, 30 Dec 2016 (8 years ago )
    The Republic of Malta and the Republic of Estonia will successively hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) in 2017 in a challenging context. In 2015, over one million refugees and migrants undertook dangerous journeys across the Mediterranean Sea in search of safety. The capa...
  • Fewer refugees arriving in Greece’s Evros region, but problems remain

    news UNHCR, 12 Jun 2018 (6 years ago )
    PYTHIO VILLAGE, Greece – As dawn breaks over Greece’s north-eastern Evros region, a group of three families with adults and children tramp through Pythio and Thourio, small villages on a country backroad. “We’ve been travelling for three days directly from Kobani,” [on the Syrian border with Turk...