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Number of results: 4115

  • Naypyitaw: Nationwide ceasefire in October

    news Shan Herald News for Agency, 03 Sep 2013 (11 years ago )
    U Aung Min, Vice Chairman of the Union level Peacemaking Work Committee (UPWC), said on Saturday, 31 August, he was confident the long advertised Nationwide Ceasefire Accord could be signed toward the end of October, according to a report by the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCS...
  • Kayin armed groups to make constitutional amendments

    news Eleven Newsmedia, 05 Sep 2013 (11 years ago )
    Kayin armed groups will submit the provisions they want to amend in the 2008 Constitution to the Kayin Solidarity and Peace Committee before submitting them to the government, according to a member of the committee. "They are planning to submit the issues including the ones in the constitution to...
  • Myanmar to introduce ethnic nationalities TV channel

    news Mizzima, 09 Sep 2013 (11 years ago )
    Myanmar has set to add a new television channel named the National Races Channel, aimed at widening the scope of the people. Test broadcasting of the channel with eight nationalities languages is to be done in mid-October and the languages include those of Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Rakhine...
  • Myanmar endeavoring to promote literacy

    news Xinhua, 09 Sep 2013 (11 years ago )
    Myanmar has been endeavoring to promote literacy in the country as part of its bid to raise the nation's education standard in line with the international level. Adult literacy rate in the country went up in 2013, hitting as high as 95.13 percent. It was attributed to the opening of more than ...
  • NLD and UNA to report on amendment of Constitution

    news Mizzima, 09 Sep 2013 (11 years ago )
    Ethnic parties have announced that a report to amend the Constitution shall be prepared by the National League of Democracy (NLD) together with United Nationalities Alliance (UNA) by November, after a meeting on September 7. “We shall prepare a report and release it at the Parliament and the publ...
  • Myanmar parliament speaker stresses more reform

    news Xinhua, 09 Sep 2013 (11 years ago )
    Speaker of Myanmar's union parliament U Shwe Mann stressed the need for more reform in the country in addition to political reform, official media reported Monday. "Political reform is only not enough for democratization. Executive reform, economic reform and function reform must be made in synch...
  • NLD to propose changes to protest law

    news Myanmar Times, 09 Sep 2013 (11 years ago )
    The National League for Democracy will propose during the next hluttaw session that section 18 of the Law on Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession be reviewed, party leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said last week. Section 18 contains the penalties for violations, such as protests held without per...
  • ABSDF to open liaison office in Karen state

    news Mizzima, 10 Sep 2013 (11 years ago )
    The All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) Secretary Sonny, told Mizzima on September 9 that they were having discussions with the Karen state government to open a liaison office in Myawaddy town in Karen state. “We came here to discuss with the Karen state government for opening a liaison ...
  • Myanmar to convene next parliament sessions on Oct. 1

    news Xinhua, 10 Sep 2013 (11 years ago )
    The 8th regular separate sessions of Myanmar parliament's two houses -- Lower and Upper as well as the two-house union parliament session will be all convened on Oct. 1, state radio and TV reported, quoting an announcement of the parliament. The last 7th regular sessions of the parliament lasted ...
  • Ethnic TV launches in Burma

    news Democratic Voice of Burma, 10 Sep 2013 (11 years ago )
    The National Races Channel premiered on Sunday, becoming the first TV channel dedicated exclusively to Burma’s ethnic minorities which make up nearly 40 percent of the country’s 60 million people. Broadcast from Naypyidaw by state-run Myanmar Radio and Television (MRTV), the new channel is curren...