In early 2024, Jordan hosted some 710,000 refugees of different nationalities registered with UNHCR. They come predominantly from Syria, while there are also large groups from Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia. Some 82 per cent of them live outside of refugee camps and close to 50 per cent are children. UNHCR’s key areas of work include protection activities such as access to documentation and legal assistance; cash assistance for the most vulnerable refugees; access to healthcare, education; livelihoods; community empowerment and outreach; and camp coordination in Zaatari and Azraq camps. In addition to implementing its mandated activities of protection and seeking solutions, UNHCR in Jordan actively coordinates all actors involved in the refugee response through the Jordan Strategic Humanitarian Committee, also known as JoSH. UNHCR maintains a robust presence in Jordan through four offices in Amman, Mafraq, Azraq and Irbid, in addition to three urban registration centres in Amman, Irbid and Mafraq, and some 500 staff.
Total Number of Registered Refugees JSON 
Last updated 31 Jul 2024
Source - UNHCR 
Registered Refugees by Country of Origin JSON  .CSV 
Country of origin Source Data date Population
Syrian Arab Rep. UNHCR 31 Jul 2024   90.1% 625,025
Iraq UNHCR 31 Jul 2024   7.2% 49,839
Yemen UNHCR 31 Jul 2024   1.8% 12,721
Sudan UNHCR 31 Jul 2024   0.7% 4,930
Others UNHCR 31 Jul 2024   0.1% 744
Somalia UNHCR 31 Jul 2024   0.1% 470

Registered Refugees by Age and Gender JSON 
Source - UNHCR
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    The current page includes information on ALL refugees registered with UNHCR in Jordan. For information specific only to Syrian refugees in Jordan, please refer to the Jordan sub-page under the Syria Regional Refugee Response.
    Key Documents
    • Due to declining humanitarian funding, UNHCR has been forced to reduce assistance in 2024. This impacted some of its key activities including the basic needs cash assistance programme. UNHCR was forced to reduce the number of cash beneficiaries in communities as of April and the transfer amount by 25 per cent as of May 2024. In August, thanks to slightly increased donor funding, UNHCR restored the transfer value in communities to the original amount. Cash assistance in refugee camps remained unchanged throughout. The Agency has redoubled its efforts to sustain and/or reverse the level of donor funding. (2024)
    • UNHCR is constantly innovating its approaches to enhance efficiency of its operation in Jordan. The shift from ATM cards to mobile wallets for its cash assistance reduces the monthly costs by more than half (56 per cent). As of early 2024, over 70 per cent of the UNHCR cash assistance recipients use mobile wallets. UNHCR also recently doubled the share of electric vehicles in its fleet in Jordan. E-vehicles not only help lower the carbon footprint of the operation but also reduce its energy costs. (April 2024)
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