Protection Working Group Türkiye


Turkey hosts the world’s largest number of refugees and asylum seekers The Government of Turkey (GoT) is primary responsible for the protection refugees, including their access to services, and is the overall coordinator of the refugee response.Thus, in cooperation with GoT, UNHCR and partners have established an inter-agency refugee response coordination structure in Turkey as part of the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan in Response to the Syrian Crisis (3RP) which draws upon the expertise of UN agencies in providing leadership to sectoral working groups. The national Protection Working Group (PWG) based in Ankara was formed in December 2014 in light of these developments as a central element of the refugee protection response in Turkey.

  Working Group Documents
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    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group - Meeting Presentation (August 2024)

    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group - Meeting Presentation (August 2024)
    Publish date: 28 August 2024 (23 days ago)
    Create date: 28 August 2024 (22 days ago)
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    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group Meeting (August) - Announcements and Action Points

    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group Meeting (August) - Announcements and Action Points
    Publish date: 28 August 2024 (23 days ago)
    Create date: 28 August 2024 (22 days ago)
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    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group Meeting (August) - Announcements and Action Points

    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group Meeting (August) - Announcements and Action Points
    Publish date: 28 August 2024 (23 days ago)
    Create date: 28 August 2024 (22 days ago)
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    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group - Mid-Year Sector Monitoring and Evaluation Meeting Outcome (August 2024)

    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group - Mid-Year Sector Monitoring and Evaluation Meeting Outcome (August 2024)
    Publish date: 28 August 2024 (23 days ago)
    Create date: 28 August 2024 (22 days ago)
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    Türkiye: 3RP Ulusal Koruma Çalışma Grubu - Toplantı Sunumu (Ağustos 2024)

    Türkiye: 3RP Ulusal Koruma Çalışma Grubu - Toplantı Sunumu (Ağustos 2024)
    Publish date: 28 August 2024 (23 days ago)
    Create date: 28 August 2024 (22 days ago)
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    Türkiye - Kurumlar-Arası Koruma İhtiyaç Analizi Yedinci Tur Raporu (Ağustos 2023)

    Türkiye - Kurumlar-Arası Koruma İhtiyaç Analizi Yedinci Tur Raporu (Ağustos 2023)
    Publish date: 16 November 2023 (10 months ago)
    Create date: 17 November 2023 (10 months ago)
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    Türkiye - Inter-Agency Protection Needs Assessment Round 7 Report (August 2023)

    Türkiye - Inter-Agency Protection Needs Assessment Round 7 Report (August 2023)
    Publish date: 16 November 2023 (10 months ago)
    Create date: 17 November 2023 (10 months ago)
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    Turkiye: TRC IFRC - ESSN Satisfaction Survey 5

    Publish date: 16 October 2023 (11 months ago)
    Create date: 16 October 2023 (11 months ago)
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    Türkiye - Protection Sector Post-Earthquake Inter-Agency Needs Assessment Round 7 – August 2023

    Türkiye - Protection Sector Post-Earthquake Inter-Agency Needs Assessment Round 7 – August 2023
    Publish date: 21 September 2023 (11 months ago)
    Create date: 21 September 2023 (11 months ago)
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    Türkiye: Inter-Agency Protection Sector Needs Assessment Analysis Round 6 - September 2022 - TR

    Türkiye: Inter-Agency Protection Sector Needs Assessment Analysis Round 6 - September 2022 - TR
    Publish date: 20 January 2023 (1 year ago)
    Create date: 20 January 2023 (1 year ago)
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    Turkey: DDD Psycho-Social Effects Of COVID-19 In The Framework Of MHPSS Needs Of Syrian Refugees In Turkey

    This situation analysis report aims to provide qualitative information about the psycho-social effects of the COVID-19 on the framework of mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS) needs and cap...
    Publish date: 2 September 2020 (4 years ago)
    Create date: 2 September 2020 (4 years ago)
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    Turkey: Inter-Agency Protection Sector Rapid Needs Assessment Analysis

    In Turkey, PWG led the development of a common, harmonized, inter-agency comprehensive needs assessment tool to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugee communities vis-à-vis access t...
    Publish date: 25 August 2020 (4 years ago)
    Create date: 25 August 2020 (4 years ago)
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    Turkiye - Kalkinma Atolyesi - Korona Virüs Salgınının Mevsimlik Gezici Tarım İşçileri ve Onların Çocukları ile Bitkisel Üretime Olası Etkisi...

    Turkiye - Kalkinma Atolyesi - Korona Virüs Salgınının Mevsimlik Gezici Tarım İşçileri ve Onların Çocukları ile Bitkisel Üretime Olası Etkisi - 2020
    Publish date: 24 June 2020 (4 years ago)
    Create date: 24 June 2020 (4 years ago)
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    Turkey: YYD - Impact Analysis of the Covid-19 Epidemic on Refugees on Hatay-Şanlıurfa - June 2020 - EN

    Turkey: YYD - Impact Analysis of the Covid-19 Epidemic on Refugees on Hatay-Şanlıurfa - June 2020 - EN
    Publish date: 9 June 2020 (4 years ago)
    Create date: 9 June 2020 (4 years ago)
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    Turkey: DRC - COVID-19 Impact on Refugees in South East Turkey - May 2020

    Turkey: DRC - COVID-19 Impact on Refugees in South East Turkey - May 2020
    Publish date: 28 May 2020 (4 years ago)
    Create date: 28 May 2020 (4 years ago)
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    South-East Türkiye Earthquake Response Quarterly Progress Report Q1 2024

    Publish date: 6 May 2024 (4 months ago)
    Create date: 6 May 2024 (4 months ago)
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    UNHCR-Egypt, Sudan Emergency Response- Weekly Arrival Update, 20231020

    UNHCR-Egypt, Sudan Emergency Response- Weekly Arrival Update, 20231020
    Publish date: 30 October 2023 (10 months ago)
    Create date: 2 November 2023 (10 months ago)
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    Türkiye - Dashboard: Protection Sector Post-Earthquake Inter-Agency Needs Assessment Round 7 – August 2023

    Türkiye - Dashboard: Protection Sector Post-Earthquake Inter-Agency Needs Assessment Round 7 – August 2023
    Publish date: 21 September 2023 (11 months ago)
    Create date: 21 September 2023 (11 months ago)
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    Türkiye: Protection Sector Monthly Dashboard - December 2022

    Türkiye: Protection Sector Monthly Dashboard - December 2022
    Publish date: 18 January 2023 (1 year ago)
    Create date: 18 January 2023 (1 year ago)
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    Türkiye: Protection Sector Monthly Dashboard - November 2022

    Türkiye: Protection Sector Monthly Dashboard - November 2022
    Publish date: 19 December 2022 (1 year ago)
    Create date: 19 December 2022 (1 year ago)
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    Türkiye: Ulusal Koruma Çalışma Grubu - Gösterge Kılavuz Notu (2024)

    Türkiye: Ulusal Koruma Çalışma Grubu - Gösterge Kılavuz Notu (2024)
    Publish date: 8 April 2024 (5 months ago)
    Create date: 8 April 2024 (5 months ago)
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    Türkiye: National Protection Working Group - Indicator Guidance Note (2024)

    Türkiye: National Protection Working Group - Indicator Guidance Note (2024)
    Publish date: 8 April 2024 (5 months ago)
    Create date: 8 April 2024 (5 months ago)
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    Türkiye: Çocuk Korumaya Özgü Risk Değerlendirmesi ve Vaka Önceliklendirme Aracı

    Türkiye: Çocuk Korumaya Özgü Risk Değerlendirmesi ve Vaka Önceliklendirme Aracı
    Publish date: 5 April 2024 (5 months ago)
    Create date: 5 April 2024 (5 months ago)
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    Türkiye: Child Protection Specific Risk Assessment and Case Prioritization Tool

    Türkiye: Child Protection Specific Risk Assessment and Case Prioritization Tool
    Publish date: 5 April 2024 (5 months ago)
    Create date: 5 April 2024 (5 months ago)
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    Türkiye: TCDŞ Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi Sınıflandırma Aracı

    Türkiye: TCDŞ Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi Sınıflandırma Aracı
    Publish date: 5 March 2024 (6 months ago)
    Create date: 5 March 2024 (6 months ago)
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    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group - Meeting Presentation (August 2024)

    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group - Meeting Presentation (August 2024)
    Publish date: 28 August 2024 (23 days ago)
    Create date: 28 August 2024 (22 days ago)
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    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group Meeting (August) - Announcements and Action Points

    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group Meeting (August) - Announcements and Action Points
    Publish date: 28 August 2024 (23 days ago)
    Create date: 28 August 2024 (22 days ago)
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    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group Meeting (August) - Announcements and Action Points

    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group Meeting (August) - Announcements and Action Points
    Publish date: 28 August 2024 (23 days ago)
    Create date: 28 August 2024 (22 days ago)
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    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group - Mid-Year Sector Monitoring and Evaluation Meeting Outcome (August 2024)

    Türkiye: 3RP National Protection Working Group - Mid-Year Sector Monitoring and Evaluation Meeting Outcome (August 2024)
    Publish date: 28 August 2024 (23 days ago)
    Create date: 28 August 2024 (22 days ago)
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    Türkiye: 3RP Ulusal Koruma Çalışma Grubu - Toplantı Sunumu (Ağustos 2024)

    Türkiye: 3RP Ulusal Koruma Çalışma Grubu - Toplantı Sunumu (Ağustos 2024)
    Publish date: 28 August 2024 (23 days ago)
    Create date: 28 August 2024 (22 days ago)
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    Türkiye: Türkiye Population Movement - Community Based Migration Programme - A Case Study On Programme Transition

    Türkiye: Türkiye Population Movement - Community Based Migration Programme - A Case Study On Programme Transition
    Publish date: 28 September 2022 (1 year ago)
    Create date: 2 November 2022 (1 year ago)
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    3RP Protection Dashboard September 2016

    Publish date: 23 November 2016 (7 years ago)
    Create date: 23 November 2016 (7 years ago)
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    3RP Protection Dashboard August 2016

    Publish date: 11 October 2016 (7 years ago)
    Create date: 11 October 2016 (7 years ago)
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    3RP Protection Dashboard June 2016

    Publish date: 11 October 2016 (7 years ago)
    Create date: 11 October 2016 (7 years ago)
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    Türkiye - Protection Sector Post-Earthquake Inter-Agency Needs Assessment Round 7 – August 2023

    Türkiye - Protection Sector Post-Earthquake Inter-Agency Needs Assessment Round 7 – August 2023
    Publish date: 21 September 2023 (11 months ago)
    Create date: 21 September 2023 (11 months ago)
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    Türkiye: Inter-Agency Protection Sector Needs Assessment Analysis Round 6 - September 2022 - TR

    Türkiye: Inter-Agency Protection Sector Needs Assessment Analysis Round 6 - September 2022 - TR
    Publish date: 20 January 2023 (1 year ago)
    Create date: 20 January 2023 (1 year ago)
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    Türkiye: National Protection Working Group - Joint 3RP Protection Sector Workshop

    Türkiye: National Protection Working Group - Joint 3RP Protection Sector Workshop
    Publish date: 1 September 2023 (1 year ago)
    Create date: 29 December 2023 (8 months ago)
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    Türkiye: Ulusal Koruma Çalışma Grubu - Ortak 3RP Koruma Sektörü Çalıştay Raporu (Ağustos 2023)

    Türkiye: Ulusal Koruma Çalışma Grubu - Ortak 3RP Koruma Sektörü Çalıştay Raporu (Ağustos 2023)
    Publish date: 1 September 2023 (1 year ago)
    Create date: 29 December 2023 (8 months ago)
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    Türkiye: Inter-Agency Protection Sector Needs Assessment Analysis Round 6 - September 2022

    Türkiye: Inter-Agency Protection Sector Needs Assessment Analysis Round 6 - September 2022
    Publish date: 20 January 2023 (1 year ago)
    Create date: 20 January 2023 (1 year ago)
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    Türkiye - Protection Sector Post-Earthquake Inter-Agency Needs Assessment Round 7 – August 2023

    Türkiye - Protection Sector Post-Earthquake Inter-Agency Needs Assessment Round 7 – August 2023
    Publish date: 21 September 2023 (11 months ago)
    Create date: 21 September 2023 (11 months ago)
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    “To Protect Her Honour”: Child marriage in emergencies – the fatal confusion between protecting girls and sexual violence

    Publish date: 15 May 2017 (7 years ago)
    Create date: 15 May 2017 (7 years ago)
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    Türkiye: PSEA Network Country Action Plan

    Türkiye: PSEA Network Country Action Plan
    Publish date: 3 January 2024 (8 months ago)
    Create date: 15 January 2024 (8 months ago)
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    Türkiye: National Protection Working Group - Terms of References

    Türkiye: National Protection Working Group - Terms of References
    Publish date: 26 January 2024 (7 months ago)
    Create date: 26 January 2024 (7 months ago)
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    Türkiye: Ulusal Koruma Çalışma Grubu - Görev Tanımı

    Türkiye: Ulusal Koruma Çalışma Grubu - Görev Tanımı
    Publish date: 26 January 2024 (7 months ago)
    Create date: 26 January 2024 (7 months ago)
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    Türkiye: Yaşlılık ve Engellilik Kapsayıcılığı Görev Ekibi - Görev Tanımı

    Türkiye: Yaşlılık ve Engellilik Kapsayıcılığı Görev Ekibi - Görev Tanımı
    Publish date: 11 January 2024 (8 months ago)
    Create date: 12 January 2024 (8 months ago)
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    Türkiye: Ageing and Disability Inclusion Task Team - Terms of References

    Türkiye: Ageing and Disability Inclusion Task Team - Terms of References
    Publish date: 11 January 2024 (8 months ago)
    Create date: 12 January 2024 (8 months ago)
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    Türkiye: PSEA Network - Terms of References

    Türkiye: PSEA Network - Terms of References
    Publish date: 15 December 2023 (9 months ago)
    Create date: 29 December 2023 (8 months ago)
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    Türkiye - Koruma Çalışma Grubu - Engelli Dahiliyeti Görev Ekibi: Engelli Bireylerin Kapsanmasının Anaakımlaştırılması Çalıştayı - Sunum - Te...

    Türkiye - Koruma Çalışma Grubu - Engelli Dahiliyeti Görev Ekibi: Engelli Bireylerin Kapsanmasının Anaakımlaştırılması Çalıştayı - Sunum - Temmuz 2023
    Publish date: 1 August 2023 (1 year ago)
    Create date: 8 August 2023 (1 year ago)
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    Türkiye - PWG - DITT: Disability Inclusion Mainstreaming Workshop - Presentation - July 2023

    Türkiye - PWG - DITT: Disability Inclusion Mainstreaming Workshop - Presentation - July 2023
    Publish date: 1 August 2023 (1 year ago)
    Create date: 8 August 2023 (1 year ago)
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    Türkiye: STL - Ezidilerin Hizmetlere Erisimi Raporu

    Türkiye: STL - Ezidilerin Hizmetlere Erisimi Raporu
    Publish date: 18 November 2020 (3 years ago)
    Create date: 18 November 2020 (3 years ago)
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    Türkiye: YYD - Covid-19 Salgınının Hatay-Şanlıurfa Özelinde Mülteciler Üzerindeki Etki Analizi - Haziran 2020

    Türkiye: YYD - Covid-19 Salgınının Hatay-Şanlıurfa Özelinde Mülteciler Üzerindeki Etki Analizi - Haziran 2020
    Publish date: 8 June 2020 (4 years ago)
    Create date: 8 June 2020 (4 years ago)

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