Total Returns from Pakistan to Afghanistan since 15 September 2023 JSON 
Last updated 21 Jul 2024
Source - UNHCR, IOM 

Total returns is an umbrella term that includes all returns including deportations, assisted Voluntary Repatriation (VolRep) and other returns of Afghans of all statuses such as PoR cardholders, ACC holders, and the undocumented.

Overall assisted returns since 1 January 2023 JSON 
Last updated 20 Jul 2024
Source - UNHCR 

Including Facilitated Volrep, Proof of Registration card holders, UNHCR slip holders, their nuclear family members with or without documentation, UNHCR asylum certificate holders and protection referrals.

New Returned Refugees to Afghanistan in 2024 JSON 
Last updated 20 Jul 2024
Source - UNHCR, Government 

This category includes all refugee returnees as well as PoR card holders who returned without passing through the established Voluntary Repatriation Centers (VRC) set up in Pakistan.

Total Refugees in Afghanistan JSON 
Last updated 15 May 2024
Source - UNHCR
New returned IDPs in Afghanistan in 2024 JSON 
Last updated 15 Jul 2024
Source - UNHCR 

The above Returned IDPs data is from household-level rapid assessments conducted across the country by UNHCR and its partners. These figures are expected to increase retroactively with ongoing assessments, and considered indicative rather than overall statistical data of IDP returnees in Afghanistan. It is also important to note that figures may be underestimated due to recent downscaling of assessments undertaken in 2023.

New IDPs in Afghanistan by year JSON 

Note: The newly conflict-induced displaced population within the year is compiled by OCHA sub-offices based on inter-agency assessments . For more Information

New Returned IDPs in Afghanistan in 2024 by Province JSON 
Nom du lieu Source Data date Population
Badghis UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   2.4% 79
Balkh UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   0.4% 14
Daykundi UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   0.2% 6
Farah UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   35.1% 1,136
Faryab UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   16.4% 532
Ghor UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   2.9% 94
Helmand UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   7.7% 250
Herat UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   2.2% 72
Kabul UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   1.2% 38
Kandahar UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   0.8% 27
Kunar UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   0.6% 18
Kunduz UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   0.2% 7
Logar UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   0.2% 5
Maidan Wardak UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   0.2% 8
Nangarhar UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   0.6% 20
Nimruz UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   3.9% 126
Parwan UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   0.2% 7
Takhar UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   20.8% 674
Zabul UNHCR 15 Jul 2024   3.8% 124

Notes: The above Returned IDPs data is from household-level rapid assessments conducted across the country by UNHCR and its partners. These figures are expected to increase retroactively with ongoing assessments, and considered indicative rather than overall statistical data of IDP returnees in Afghanistan. It is also important to note that figures may be underestimated due to recent downscaling of assessments undertaken in 2023.

New Returned Refugees to Afghanistan in 2024 by Country of Asylum JSON  .CSV 
Country of origin Source Data date Population
Pakistan UNHCR 20 Jul 2024   98.1% 20,665
Iran (Islamic Rep. of) UNHCR 20 Jul 2024   1.7% 351
Others UNHCR 20 Jul 2024   0.2% 50

New Returned Refugees to Afghanistan in 2024 by Province JSON 
Nom du lieu Source Data date Population
Badakhshan UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.1% 19
Badghis UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.1% 16
Baghlan UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   4.8% 1,014
Balkh UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   4.5% 953
Bamyan UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.0% 8
Daykundi UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.0% 6
Farah UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.1% 28
Faryab UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.5% 114
Ghazni UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   1.5% 315
Ghor UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.1% 18
Helmand UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   2.9% 613
Herat UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   1.5% 312
Jowzjan UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   3.4% 714
Kabul UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   27.1% 5,701
Kandahar UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   8.1% 1,712
Kapisa UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.5% 110
Khost UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   2.3% 489
Kunar UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.4% 90
Kunduz UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   13.4% 2,818
Laghman UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   2.5% 522
Logar UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   4.5% 939
Maidan Wardak UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.3% 68
Nangarhar UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   11.8% 2,480
Nimruz UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.2% 34
Nuristan UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.0% 7
Paktia UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   1.5% 316
Paktika UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.7% 155
Parwan UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.8% 164
Samangan UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.7% 146
Sar-e Pol UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   2.2% 459
Takhar UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   1.9% 391
Urozgan UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   0.1% 23
Zabul UNHCR, Government 20 Jul 2024   1.5% 312

Loading Returned Refugees to Afghanistan by year

["population",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"Returned Refugees to Afghanistan by year","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","view":"timechartType","population_group":["0;5031"],"households":"1","limit":"","fromDate":"","color":"#9A9A9A","frequency":"day","chartType":"areaspline","async":"1","type":"country","widget_id":528846,"position":"left","locale":"fr","title":"Returned Refugees to Afghanistan by year","subtitle":"","country":{},"geo_id":575,"sv_id":0}]
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  • Key contact information

    Please contact the following focal points

    Type of InquiryContact
    Returns to Afghanistan - Data Story
    Returns to Afghanistan
    Afghan Returnees Assisted by UNHCR Dashboard
    Afghan Returnees Assisted by UNHCR Dashboard
    Total IDPs in Afghanistan as of 31 December 2023 JSON 
    Last updated 31 Dec 2023
    Source - UNHCR, Government, Partners, Various 

    IDP Returnees data is from household-level assessments conducted by UNHCR and Partners across the country. Figures are expected to increase retroactively.

    Afghanistan Funding (2024)
    215 883 472,00 $US
    Total appeal
    Date of Funding Data 30 June 2024 (27 days ago)

      Micro Data in Afghanistan - Latest 5

    The UNHCR Microdata Library (MDL) contains unit-level microdata collected directly by UNHCR or indirectly through its partners. Metadata, reports, or survey questionnaires are also provided for complementary information on the datasets. All datasets on the MDL are anonymized and available to researchers and humanitarian organizations upon request. Organizations which collect relevant data are highly encouraged to submit datasets for dissemination through the MDL.
  • Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Interventions 2023

    Afghanistan, 2023   MicroData View details | Get Microdata | 0 |
    Authoring Entity: UNHCR
    Published: 30 June 2024
  • Border Monitoring, outflow - 2023

    Afghanistan, 2023   MicroData View details | Get Microdata | 0 |
    Authoring Entity: UNHCR
    Published: 02 April 2024
  • Rapid Household Assessments 2023

    Afghanistan, 2023   MicroData View details | Get Microdata | 0 |
    Authoring Entity: UNHCR
    Published: 05 April 2024
  • Border Monitoring, Unofficial Crossing Points - 2023

    Afghanistan, 2023   MicroData View details | Get Microdata | 0 |
    Authoring Entity: UNHCR
    Published: 02 April 2024
  • Border Monitoring, inflow - 2023

    Afghanistan, 2023   MicroData View details | Get Microdata | 0 |
    Authoring Entity: UNHCR
    Published: 01 April 2024
  • UNHCR Afghanistan Twitter Page